Director Garin Nugroho will again release his latest silent and black and white film titled Samsara. In this film, Garin specifically invites Ario Bayu as the main character in the film that combines the theatrical concept.

Seeing this, this is the first time Ario Bayu has been involved in this silent and black and white film has learned many new lessons.

One of the lessons he felt was the existence of boundaries in him, namely dancing. This had made Ario Bayu feel doubtful about himself.

"There are three elements or elements that maybe Mas Garin told me earlier, I can control two, in terms of theater actors and maybe in terms of perfoming in films," said Ario Bayu in the Senayan area, South Jakarta, Friday, May 31.

"But there is one element that I have a deficit or limitation, namely dance. I am not a dancer even though I used to play musical theater, there must be a little element of dance, but I am not a dancer where I can be spontaneous, I have a fading biomechanism," he added.

However, this insecurity was finally overcome after Ario received direct support from Siko Setyanto, who is a choreographer for this film.

"So I was lucky to get a lot of support from Mas Siko, it turns out that there are things that are so humane that I learned about dancing," explained Ario Bayu.

"The dance does not necessarily talk about the shape, but talks about the basic element, namely maybe the soul. So I talked to Mas Iko, 'Mas Iko, my movement is ugly', 'it's okay, mas, the important thing is to meet the right taste'. that's what we make a manifestation of," he said.

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