YOGYAKARTA - Teenagers are a group of people who are very vulnerable to mental disorders. Because, there are many aspects of risk experienced by teenagers that have the potential to affect their mental health. Therefore, this time we will discuss the mental health of understanding teenagers and their types.

Factors that can cause mental pressure during adolescence include great desire to be more independent, pressure when adapting to peers, and increasing access and use of technology. Other decisive aspects include household conditions and intimate violence that are prone to harm young people.

Mental Health Understanding

Launching from the Ministry of Health website, mental health is a condition where people have visible welfare from themselves who are able to realize their own potential, have the expertise to cope with normal life pressures in various situations in life, are able to work productively and produce, and be able to contribute to their community.

Types That Affect Mental Health In Teenagers

Launching from the World Health Organization (WHO), here are the types of mental disorders that are vulnerable to being felt by teenagers:

I. Eating Disorder

Eating disorders generally arise from young people and young adults. Eating disorders more often hit women than men. Examples of eating disorders that can be felt by young people, namely the anorexia of Nervosa, bulimia Nervosa, and eating disorders that are characterized by limiting calories or excessive eating. Eating disorders are at risk of damaging health and often appear along with mental stress, anxiety or substance abuse.

II. Psychosis

Psychological indications very often arise at the end of adolescence or early childhood. Indications can be in the form of hallucinations or defamation. These indications can interfere with the ability of young people to participate in their daily lives and affect their school performance. Psychosis can also lead to negative stigma in society or human rights violations.

III. Emotional Disorder

Emotional obstacles usually arise in adolescence. Not only mental stress or anxiety, young people with emotional disorders can experience mild anger, frustration or excessive anger. Not only psychological symptoms, emotional disorders can also cause physical symptoms, such as stomach pain, headache, or nausea. Emotional disorders can greatly affect performance in their school. If not treated quickly, teenagers who experience emotional disorders can experience worse symptoms, such as self-isolating to having suicide images.

IV. Behavioral Problems

The problem of attitude in childhood is the main trigger for both mental disorders in young people. Obstacles in attitudes in childhood, for example, ADHD, are characterized by difficulty in focus and behavioral disorders characterized by disturbing or challenging behavior. This behavioral problem can also affect school performance and risk creating a criminal attitude in adolescents.

V. Risk-taking Behavior

Teenagers are also prone to taking many risks, a kind of risk of having early sex, smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug abuse. Violence is a risk-taking attitude that can affect the achievement of education, injury, involvement with crime, to death.

VI. Hurts Himself Until You Suicide

There are several aspects of risk that stimulate suicide in young people. For example, the use of alcohol is risky, abuse during childhood and obstacles in accessing mental care. Not only that, social media is also currently the most suicide triggers for young people. The reason is that social media can demand many things for teenagers, such as self-image and life that tends to be consumptive.

In addition, to add to the regression, read also: 7 Signs Inner Child Injured which Affects Mental Health.

So after knowing the mental health of a teenager of understanding and type, see other interesting news in VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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