YOGYAKARTA The adherent of Catholicism certainly knows Rosario's prayer very well. Rosario's prayer is one of the prayers in the tradition of the Catholic church. This prayer contains events that of course will give joy when life feels so heavy.

The following article will discuss what Rosario's prayers are and the sequence. Let's see the full review!

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the word 'Rosario' means 'Tasbih'. At Rosario's prayer reading, Catholics will wear a cross necklace with special beads. Well, this necklace is called Rosario's necklace.

What is meant by Rosario's prayer is an reflection of the mystery of safety, from the time Jesus began to be contained until he was glorified in heaven and sent by the Holy Spirit. Roasio's prayer contains various events that reflect the life of Jesus Christ.

Rosario's prayer was performed using Rosario's necklace consisting of 59 beads and a cross. In addition, there are also medals with different prayers for each part.

Rosario's prayer can be called a summary of your actions, because it contains Bible verses containing events experienced by Jesus Christ, from childhood, reporters and services, arrests, to revivals and increases.

In Catholic teachings, Rosario's prayer is one of the simple prayers. However, this prayer contains all the main prayers, such as the prayer of Recognition of the Prophet's Faith (Christian Congregation), Our Father, Salam Maria, Glory, and fire. This prayer can be prayed anywhere, anytime, and under any conditions.

Rosario's prayer consists of various events. The selection of events in Rosario's prayer is determined according to the conditions and wishes of the prayer.

The events that are landed in the prayer of the rosario are happy, bright, sad, and noble events. The following examples:

After determining the events and types of the rosario, you can compile them in the following order:

In the names of the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit of Kudus, Amen

I believe...



Mr. Kami...

Father of Our...

Salah Putri Allah Father. Greetings Mary...

Greetings Mother of Allah Putra. Greetings Mary...

Greetings to the mink of Allah the Spirit of Kudus. Greetings Mary...



Peristiwa (Gembira/Terang/Sad/Mulia) Pertama...

Father of Our...

Salam Maria... (10 times)



O Jesus...

Second Event (Gembira/Terang/Sad/Mulia)...

Father of Our...

Salam Maria... (10 times)



O Jesus...

Events (Gembira/ilang/Sedik/Juga Mulia...

Father of Our...

Salam Maria... (10 times)



O Jesus...

The Fourth Event (Gembira/Terang/Sad/Mulia)...

Father of Our...

Salam Maria... (10 times)



O Jesus...

The Fifth Event (Gembira/Terang/Sad/Mulia)...

Father of Our...

Salam Maria... (10 times)



O Jesus...

Can be ended with a closing prayer:

"Greetings, Ya Ratu, Mother who expresses our love, life, entertainment and hope. We all offer our prayers, we are very difficult, complain, hone in this grief. Yes, Mother, yes, our inspiration, pour over your great love to us. And Jesus, Your commendable Putera, Semoa You show us. O Queen, O Mother, O Maria, Mother of Christ.

Pray for us, O Santa Mother of Allah. So that we can enjoy the promise of Christ.

Let's Pray: 'O Allah, Your Sons have gained for us the reward of eternal life through his life, death and awakening. We ask, that by celebrating the mystery of Rosario Holy Santa Virgin Mary, we can live the meaning and get what we were promised. For the sake of Christ, our Lord. Amen.'

That's information about Rosario's prayer. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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