Besides Being Delicious, These 6 Foods Are Also Good For Eye Health
Ilustrasi (Trang Doan / Pexels)

JAKARTA - The Covid-19 pandemic has limited our activities and slowed down a little. Everything must be done online. Finally, the duration of using the device increases day by day.

Excess use of devices can affect eye health. If the eye has been disturbed, of course, the ability to see will also decrease. For this reason, maintaining eye health is something that must be considered in a situation like this.

One easy way you can take care of your eyes is to keep your diet. Eating a healthy diet can help treat your eyes. Here are various types of food that you can consume to maintain eye health.

Whole grains

Seeds such as sunflower seeds contain many nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E which are good for maintaining eye health. Not only that, the vitamins and other nutrients present in whole grains can slow down age-related macular growth.

Fruits and vegetables

Carrots and tomatoes no longer need to worry about their properties for eye health. Apart from these two, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, pumpkin, and corn are also excellent sources of vitamins A and C.

Apart from maintaining vision, these colorful fruits and vegetables also help treat the eyes from various ailments.

Green leafy vegetables

Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, mustard greens, and kale are high in vitamins C and E. Both of these ingredients can prevent congenital and long-term eye diseases such as cataracts.

Oranges and berries

Apart from green leafy vegetables, vitamin C fruits are also good for the eyes. Regular consumption of oranges and berries can maintain eye health and improve vision. The vitamin C in citrus fruits and berries also helps reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.


Nuts such as kidney beans, black peas, lentils, and almonds are great sources of bioflavonoids and zinc, which the body needs to protect the retina and lower the risk of cataracts. Start considering including nuts in your daily diet for healthy eyesight.


Salmon contains omega-3 which is higher than other types of marine fish. Studies show that regularly eating salmon can prevent dry eyes.

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