YOGYAKARTA What is opioid? Opoids are a group of drugs that can relieve severe pain or cannot be tolerated.

Medicines that are included in the opioid group should not be used carelessly. The use must be in accordance with the doctor's instructions so as not to pose a dangerous risk.

The following article will discuss what opiod, benefits, and side effects may arise after consumption to control pain.

Opoids are drugs that can be used to control severe pain (scale 7-10) or as anesthetics before surgery.

Adapting to the American Society of Anesthesiologists page, opioids are usually given to people who suffer from severe headaches, chronic back pain, passions that have recently recovered from surgery or experienced severe cancer-related pain, as well as adults and children who were seriously injured by falling, car accidents, or other incidents.

In general, the way opioids work is to stick to proteins called opoid receptors in nerve cells in the brain, spinal cord, intestines, and other body parts.

Furthermore, opioid blocks signals of pain sent from the body through the spinal cord to the brain.

Although effective in blocking pain, opioids have several risks and can cause addiction.

The risk of addiction is very high when used to treat chronic pain for a long period of time.

The following are some pain relievers that are included in the opioid group:

The side effects of opioids that appear in patients are different, depending on the characteristics of each drug and patient's condition.

Here are the side effects that need to be watched out for due to the use of opioids:

Opioid side effects can be reduced if you take medication according to the doctor's instructions. Make sure your doctor knows all the drugs and other supplements you use.

Also ask about the reduction of other types of pain relievers or the use of other methods of pain control if you feel a higher risk of developing addiction.

Consult to the doctor if the side effects that appear do not improve or worsen. Immediately visit the nearest health facility if a drug allergy reaction or overdose appears, such as:

That's what information about what opioids are. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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