Getting To Know DNA HPV Tests And Their Benefits For Women
Illustration (Freepik/Serhi Bobyk)

YOGYAKARTA Some of us may not know the DNA HPV test yet. This is an examination aimed at detecting human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection in female genitals.

HPV itself is a sexually transmitted infection that can attack the skin, genital area, and throat.

According to the US National Cancer Institute page, HPV can cause abnormal network growth and other changes to cells.

Although the sufferer does not show any symptoms, some HPV infections can cause genital warts, to cervical cancer.

DNA HPV test is a laboratory examination that can detect the type (strain) of HPV which is at high risk of causing cervical cancer.

DNA HPV tests are carried out by taking cell samples from the cervix (servics). The samples will be examined in the laboratory to find out if there is genetic material (DNA) from HPV in cervical cells.

This examination is usually offered to all women and people with cervicals aged 25 to 64 years. The goal is to help protect someone from cervical cancer, especially those caused by human papillomavirus.

DNA HPV examination has the same goal as the pap smear procedure, namely detecting cervical cancer early on. However, the results of the study show that the HPV test is more effective than the Pap procedure in finding high-level displasia (inomalous cells that can turn into cancer).

Individual Pap smear checks failed to detect half of all cases of diplasia. In contrast, HPV tests help detect more cases.

If the PAP test and HPV test are carried out regularly for a long time, both will detect most areas of abnormal cells. However, the overall HPV test is slightly more effective.

Adapting the Mayo Clinic page, DNA HPV tests don't tell you you're suffering from cancer. This examination is only used to detect the presence of human papillomavirus in women's genitals.

By conducting a HPV test, a woman can find out the type of HPV that infects. If the strain from HPV is one that is at high risk of causing cervical cancer, you can take further health care.

The treatment may include follow-up monitoring, further testing, or abnormal cell treatment.

According to the US NIH National Cancer Institute page, HPV tests have weaknesses. Many abnormal cells do not develop into cervical cancer. This means that when compared to the pap smear procedure, DNA HPV tests are also more likely to detect abnormal cells that will never develop into cancer.

This kind of diagnosis is not beneficial for women and may mean they have to undergo unnecessary treatment, such as surgery to remove the tissue from the cervicals.

abnormal cells usually return to normal on their own, especially in women under 30.

That's the information about DNA HPV tests. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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