YOGYAKARTA - Delayed fines for electricity will indeed appear when we are late in paying for monthly electricity. In particular, this fine will apply to postpaid PLN customers. This obligation exists because PLN customers have obtained the right to electricity in their homes.

Well, as information on the provisions of the electricity bills and electricity payments have been regulated by the government. This provision is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number. 27/2017 concerning the Level of Service Quality and Taxes that are Integrated with the Distribution of Electricity by PT PLN (Persero).

If customers are late in paying electricity bills, consumers will be subject to fines as a substitute for late payment fees for electricity bills.

It is stated that postpaid customers who pay electricity bills beyond the deadline for the payment period are subject to BK (PLN 2022 delay fine). Next, the deadline for paying electricity bills every month is the 20th.

The following is the calculation of the late-paid fine for electricity in 2022 which is valid to date:

How To Pay For Late Electricity Bills

Basically, you can do the late bill payment technique in 2 methods, namely:

1. How to Pay Offline Electricity Bills

As the name implies, paying offline electricity bills is done by visiting the nearest PLN counter. Make the bill payment process categorized late, it's just that you need to queue long, which takes no time.

2. How to Pay Online Electricity Bills

For those of you who are reluctant to queue, there is an online payment via PLN Mobile which is more instant and can be tried anywhere. How?

Not only the PLN Mobile application, you can also pay late electricity bills through marketplaces, minimarket outlets, or banking institutions that cooperate with PLN. Well, you can also use the Flip application to complete PLN's electricity arrears.

No need to be afraid because the payment method is easy, you know! You just need to download and install the Flip application on your cellphone after that follow the method of paying the following electricity bill.

In fact, the late method of paying electricity bills is very easy, right? To avoid fines and cut off electricity, make sure to pay on time.

Also know what 'Difference of Prepaid and Postpaid in Electricity Payments' is.

So after knowing the amount of the late payment fine for electricity, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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