YOGYAKARTA Cataracts are visual disturbances common to the elderly. However, it is possible that newborns can experience it too. In neonatus, this condition is called a congenital cataract. So, what causes confinetal cataracts in babies?

The following article will discuss congenital cataracts in infants, including the causes and accompanying symptoms.

According to the official website of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (UI), confinetal cataracts are birth defects experienced by babies with cloudy or blurry eye lensing conditions since birth. Cataracts can occur in one of the eyes (unilateral) or both (bilateral).

Babies who have experienced cataracts need to receive immediate treatment so that they do not develop into other vision problems.

Confinetal cataracts are a rare case. Based on research results from the American Academy of Ophtalmology, the possibility of congenital cataracts appearing in babies is 5 percent to 20 percent of the total baby birth worldwide.

Quoting the Very Well Health page, congenital words in babies are caused by the following factors:

Symptoms of congenital cataracts in newborns cannot always be seen with the naked eye. This condition is usually only known when doctors do examinations on the baby's eyes.

Newborn babies suffering from cataracts will show symptoms such as:

Congenital cataracts in babies can be treated with surgery. However, this action is only carried out if the condition is severe or has caused visual problems.

Cataract operations aim to remove damaged eye lenses and replace them with artificial eye lenses.

Even though they have received new eye lenses, babies usually still need tools such as glasses or contact lenses so that their visual Inderera can function better.

This is information about the cause of congenital cataracts in babies. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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