Kaesang Pangarep Clarifies The Breaking Issue With Felicia Tissue: I Was Cursed
Hope (video screenshot)

JAKARTA - The relationship between President Jokowi's son, Kaesang Pangarep and Felicia Tissue break up after Kaesang deleted all photos with Felicia. The name Kaesang has been a trending topic since last Sunday.

The day before, Felicia's mother Meilia revealed several promises made by Kaesang to her child on social media. One of them, about the wedding plans of Kaesang and Felicia.

"You promise to marry my daughter in December 2020. I have all the proof. My daughter is waiting with her loyal heart", said the mother in an upload featuring a photo of Kaesang holding Felicia's hand next to Felicia's grandmother.

According to Felicia's mother, Kaesang and her daughter have been in a relationship for five years. But recently, Kaesang just left and allegedly in a relationship with someone named Nadya Arifta.

Already a public consumption and chaotic, Kaesang explained the real story from his version.

In a video received by VOI, Kaesang clarifies his relationship with Felicia.

"So, I actually talked about ending this relationship in the middle of January. And at that time, I was also cursed at but I'm quite", explained Kaesang.

Previously, he also regretted that his personal problems become public talk.

"It's a personal matter anyway, why should be notified to the public? It's not ethical", said Kaesang.

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