JAKARTA - The husband of celebrity Sandra Dewi, Harvey Moeis alias HM is still under the custody of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office after being declared a suspect in the corruption case of PT. Tin.

The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia has confiscated the assets owned by the father of the two several times.

"In this case, what we suspect is that the one involved in the corruption crime is HM's brother," explained the Director of Investigation at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Didik Jampidus), Kuntadi at the AGO, Friday, April 26.

"So that our asset tracing activities are carried out on HM's assets," he said.

Even so, Kuntadi explained that Sandra Dewi's assets could also be confiscated if there were indications of the flow of money belonging to her husband.

"Of course, as long as the flow concerns ( Harvey Moeis' money), there are indications of involvement or connection, we will definitely confiscate it," he said.

"Not only if the asset is owned by anyone, whether it's his wife or anyone else. As long as there is an alleged connection, we will definitely take it," said Kuntadi.

Previously, Harvey Moeis' attorney, Harris Arthur Hedar, said that Sandra Dewi and her client had an agreement to separate assets before they got married.

"Because we both know, Mr. HM is a businessman, previously also a businessman. Sandra's mother is an artist who has been known and has been in the world of expertise and their own business for a long time. So they do do that (the agreement to separate assets) is a natural thing in one bond. It does exist, I make sure there is," said Harvey Moeis' lawyer, Harris Arthur Hedar, some time ago.

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