Signs Of Tired Skin, Anything?
Illustration (Mentatdgt / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Stress and fatigue cannot be avoided. Especially if you don't apply a healthy daily lifestyle. When you are stressed and tired, your body will automatically react. Maybe you feel achy, have trouble sleeping, emotions fluctuate and so on.

Stress and fatigue will also affect facial skin. The face as a 'showcase' of someone's appearance will give the signs. If this has happened then it is better to solve it immediately.

What are the signs of stressed and tired skin?

Acne can suddenly appear everywhere. For those who tend to have acne, the condition gets worse. When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol. When the cortisol hormone rises, testosterone levels will go up as well. This typical male hormone causes a surge in the production of sebum or oil in the skin, causing acne to become more inflamed.

Another sign is starting to appear dark circles around the eyes. Stress tends to make it difficult to sleep, so blood circulation slows down and blood vessels under the eyes expand, causing dark circles around the eyes. Also the eyes look puffy.

Furthermore, the skin looks dull, and less radiant. When the body is tired and stressed, it loses a lot of fluids and is unable to get rid of dead skin cells naturally. That's why you need outside help in the form of a moisturizer that hydrates the skin and exfoliates the skin regularly.

Not only that, when you are stressed, symptoms of facial flushing can occur, so that it looks inflamed. The reason is, stress can make the skin more sensitive and dry. Finally, pay attention to the condition of the hair. Unexplained hair loss is also a sign that our bodies are stressed and tired. Likewise the appearance of dandruff.

So, what to do when the skin is tired?

First, improve the way you do routine daily skin care. These basic things must be done every day at least 2 times a day, namely: cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Also exfoliate at least once a week.

Second, treat your skin with a mask once a week or as desired. Now available instant masks that are very practical.

Third, use eye cream or eye gel in daily skin care. If the eye is swollen, apply a warm tea bag or ice to it. Reduce salt in your daily food intake.

Fourth, bring a face mist in a bag and spray it on the face as soon as the skin feels dry.

Fifth, use sunscreen every day to reduce UV effects which make your skin look duller.

Sixth, use shampoo for hair loss or brittle hair and stop blow dry first.

Finally, especially for acne, you should consult a dermatologist, especially if it looks inflamed and red.

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