YOGYAKARTA The type of canopy roof is not only based on the material, but is based on its function for the building. The canopy is one of the important elements in a building, either in housing or in buildings. Not only determining the aesthetics of houses or buildings, the canopy helps provide a safe place to put the goods and vehicles owned by the owner of the house.

This article will discuss the types of canopy that exist and are often used by the public. Knowing the type of roof of the canopy will help the home owner adjust his needs.

The canopy is an additional outdoor roof that is usually installed on the front of a building. Installation of this roof is usually done on the terrace, front yard, garage, or parking lot of the house. In the installation, the canopy also has an iron frame to strengthen the structure. After that the framework is covered with canopy materials.

Canopy installations are not carried out without reason. Some of the benefits of the canopy are as follows.

On the market, there are several types of roofs that can be used for canopy. Type Tips have their own benefits, strengths and disadvantages. Here are some recommendations for canopy materials based on their types.

Materials: Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC)

The advantages of the roof of the alderon canopy

Alderon's roof shortage

Alderon prices are determined by brands, single layer, double layer, to region. However, alderons are usually sold for IDR 400-IDR 500 per meter.

Materials: clear polymers

The overestimation of the polycarbonate roof

Lack of polycarbonate roofs

The price of polycarbonates in the market also varies. However, usually the roof price of the polycarbonate canopy is around Rp. 200,000.00 to Rp. 2 million per square meter, depending on the thickness.

Materials: Glass

The overabundance of the roof of the glass canopy

Lack of roofs of glass canopy

The price of the roof of the glass canopy is also varied, depending on the thickness. The price of the glass canopy per square meter starts at IDR 1,400,000.

Materials: thin metal sheets with zinc and aluminum coatings

Excessive roof canopy spandek

Lack of roof canopy spandek

The price of the spandek canopy also varies, starting at a price of Rp. 200,000 per square meter.

Materials: organic fiber mixed with thermoret resin

Excess Onduline roof

Lack of onduline roofs

The price of the online roof starts from IDR 300,000 per square meter depending on the thickness and the brand used.

Materials: A special cloth that is hard

The overabundance of the roof of the membrane

Lack of roof membrane

The roof price of the membrane varies, depending on many things. However, usually the roof of the membrane is sold from Rp. 500 thousand to Rp. 2,000,000.

It is also recommended to find out the benefits and lack of building a house or buying a house as a consideration for having a comfortable housing.

That's information about the type of roof of the building canopy. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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