YOGYAKARTA Many people choose to force out a black or black-head naughty commodity. In fact, without proper treatment it actually triggers irritation and impressions.

To get rid of comodos in general, there are actually many acne drugs that are sold freely. The drug is formulated to help peel dead skin and reduce oil production. But still requires continuous care. That is, unlike magic that can make the skin smooth again in an instant. Here are the treatments that help lift blackhead comodos.

Washing your face or body with a cleaner that is formulated to contain salicylic acid helps dissolve dead skin oil and cells that clog pores. Salicylic acid is beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) which acts as a chemical exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and reduce comethod-causing oil. Salicylic acid can also dry up, so just use it once a day to minimize dry and even irritation of dry skin.

The retinoid used topically is a derivation of vitamin A which helps increase cell change. This effect helps remove comodo by cleaning dead skin cells from pores and peeling dead skin cells so they don't keep clogging the pores. Launching Health, Wednesday, April 24, most retinoids require recipes.

The two types of skincare above, which contain salicylic acid and retinoids, must be used alternately. This means that it must be used sequentially, for example in the morning using salicylic acid cleaners and at night using a retinoid. If you use the opposite, use sunscreen after using a retinoid in the morning to prevent the skin from being sensitive to sunlight.

Dermatologists often recommend a combination of retinoid cleansing and benzoil peroxide to remove comethods on the face or body. Benzoil peroxide can help remove excess bacteria on the skin and reduce oil production so that it helps eliminate comodos.

Cleaners, serums, and creams that contain hydroxy alpha acid (AHA) can help remove comethods by peeling the skin and opening clogged pores. AHA popular include glycolic acid and lactic acid. glycolate acid penetrates the skin deeper than salicylic acid. Meanwhile, lactic acid works more gently for dry or sensitive skin.

Both acne, lotion, and cream cleaning containing sulfur and resorts can help eliminate comodos by reducing oil production and dissolving comodo impurities. Resorcinol also helps eliminate the buildup of dead skin cells that cause comodo.

That's skincare that helps lift blackhead codo. Most importantly noted, even if blackhead comodos can disappear on their own, the skin still needs care. It's important to avoid, squeezing the comodo is not a solution. Because squeezing the commodity can drive clogged oil and dead skin deeper into the pores, thereby increasing inflammation and increasing the risk of scar tissue.

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