The DASH Diet: A Special Diet For Lowering High Blood
Ilustrasi (Alexandr Podvalny / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or the DASH diet is a program that regulates diet to help achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

Apart from maintaining body weight, the main benefits of this diet are to control high blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

This diet focuses on reducing the content of food intake that can trigger hypertension and cholesterol, such as sodium, fat and cholesterol by increasing the intake of protein, fiber, and ensuring adequate levels of minerals and vitamins.

You will have a dietary arrangement and a series of activities to help control stress and improve overall health.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) proved in a study that the DASH diet was proven to be effective in lowering blood pressure, as effective as taking doctor's medication.

In addition, pediet can also feel the results quickly. The average person on the DASH diet can lower blood pressure within fourteen days.

Indeed, the decline rate was not that fantastic. However, if this diet is carried out regularly it can reduce a large amount of pressure. Apart from lowering blood pressure, you can also reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

On the DASH diet, you are only allowed to eat a few portions of food. The number of servings needed varies, depending on how many calories the body needs per day.

In addition, you are also required to limit salt consumption to no more than 1 teaspoon per day. After your body gets used to this diet program, you can reduce your salt intake again to 2/3 teaspoons per day.

This amount includes all the daily intake of salt, whether it comes from packaged foods, snacks, and homemade dishes.

Before buying packaged food, don't forget to read the food labels first. Pay attention to the amount of salt in food.

Expand to eat more fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Don't forget to exercise regularly. This is not a traditional diet aimed at avoiding unhealthy foods.

This diet focuses more on adding healthy foods that are great for controlling blood pressure and also improving overall health.

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