JAKARTA - After canceling her wedding plans with Adit Jayusman, Ayu Ting Ting moved on very quickly. Claiming to be the party who canceled the marriage, Ayu has now partnered with another man, Brata Angga Kartasasmita. This can be seen in the upload of Ayu and Brata's photos on Ayu's Instagram on March 3.

"Happy birthday to my lovely bro @bratakartasasmita smg healthy, long life, blessed with good luck, success in anything, happy and what you want to manifest y amen ... gbu n luv u my brata," wrote Ayu on Instagram @ ayutingting92.

Ayu's mother also commented on the upload. "Happy birthday a @bratakartasasmita. Best wishes for you to live a long and healthy life," wrote @momayutingting.

With alacrity, Brata immediately replied to these words which indicated their closeness to each other. "Thank you mom," wrote Brata.

After Ayu Ting Ting canceled her marriage, Brata Kartasasmita often provided support to sworddut. Like when Ayu Ting Ting posted her action at the Report Pak Trans 7 event on Instagram @ ayutingting92 on Thursday, February 25.

"Guys now @ laporpak_trans7 only @ officialtrans7," wrote Ayu Ting Ting.

Brata Kartasasmita also gave his comments. "Not real ... why are you being a comedian, huhhhhhh youaaaaaaa," he wrote.

It turns out that Ayu and Brata have known each other for a long time. In her Instagram profile, Brata Kartasasmita posted many questions about Ayu Ting Ting, including when she canceled her marriage to Adit Jayusman.

"Hi Tegar Woman across from Sana @ ayutingting92. Our short conversation today. Hopefully it will be a marker for you to be well, 'Really Fine.' It's a cliche. Something Happen a reason and take it as a lesson ... Happy pinky 'heartfelt' day. You will gonna meet the written on your 'Lauhul Mahfudz', "he wrote.

Who is Brata Kartasasmita?

In mid-2020, Ayu Ting Ting and Brata Kartasasmita made a scene in the virtual world. The reason is, they show togetherness on holidays in various cities in Russia. The photo at this moment was uploaded when the owner's full name was Brata Angga Kartasasmita on his birthday on March 3.

He is a model who has competed in the Mr Universe 2018 event. His modeling journey began when he was named North Jakarta's Abang in 2009.

Brata is the owner of the Bratt Indonesia fashion business and the owner of the Bratt School. She is also a cosmetic doctor who works at the Derma Pro Jakarta Clinic, the place Ayu usually goes to.

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