Things To Do Before Entering Your 30s
Illustrations (Helena Lopes / Pexels)

JAKARTA - As you get older and the more phases of your life you go through, it would be better if you could control problems wisely. Indeed, age is not a determining factor to measure a person's maturity, but with a variety of experiences, hopefully this can be a provision for you to grow.

Here are things you can do from your 20s so you won't regret it when you enter the age of three.

Leave the harmful people

It's time to distance yourself from negative people. So, as you turn 30, surround yourself with people who genuinely want to be on good terms and give off a positive aura.

Spend time only with loved ones

No matter how busy the routine is, you must always make time for the people you love such as family, friends, or your partner. Always remember that money or materials can be recovered, but not with time. Don't wait for something to disappear before you realize it.

Not all can be owned

By the time you were 20s, you encountered many obstacles and failures. However. never give up on giving up dreaming and trying many things until you find focus on one thing later.

Dare to take risks

Inspired by the story of their great success changing careers in their 30s by not paying attention to the word settle down. When they are in their 20s they want to continue to take risks in life so they don't regret not having tried these things.

Let things flow as they are

Keep assumptions about your own future, let alone the assumption that something will fail before you do it. Trust me, everyone really doesn't know what the next 5-10 years will do. So, live as it is and let everything flow as it should.

Grow and learn every day

Being successful doesn't have to be for those who continue to pursue knowledge academically, opportunities can come from anywhere. Life keeps changing, keep developing so it can be in harmony with life.

Investment for family

Investing in old age is very important, but there is something more important, namely family. By the time you are over your 30s, your parents have entered old age. Therefore build a good relationship with them, this will prove your level of maturity and success.

Love yourself

Life is beautiful but also harsh, and putting off loving yourself will only make it harder for you to accept the truth. Treat yourself well. That way, at the age of 40 you can accept whatever happens casually.

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