YOGYAKARTA - Children are often difficult to get to sleep even though it's late at night. Because the energy is excessive, sometimes the little one still wants to play or do activities rather than lying in his bed. This attitude often makes the parents' thoughts dizzy and irritated.
Not a few parents make angry moves so that their children can sleep quickly. They think by scolding their children so that their little ones can obey and easily progress. Indeed, as parents, they must be firm and disciplined in educating their children, but not to take excessive actions.
Parents must be able to be wise and hold back their emotions when facing children who are stubborn or do not obey. Instead of making children obey, getting angry in front of the baby can actually make them act the other way around. Parents need to remember the impact of scolding their children before going to bed so they think again if they want to be angry.
Children need quality sleep to rest the body and restore energy. One of the important factors that affect the quality of children's sleep is mental condition before falling asleep. Therefore, parents should not scold or reprimand their children before bed.
For parents, this may be taken lightly. However, from the point of view of children, threats and words full of anger can cause anxiety and stress in them. Whereas the atmosphere before bed greatly affects the quality of children's sleep.
As a reminder for parents, understand some of the bad effects of scolding children before bed:
Children who experience events are not bad or unpleasant just before bed, it has the potential to have more difficulty falling asleep. Including when children receive punishment or warning from parents at bedtime. This condition can reduce the quality of children's sleep.
The harsh words received by the child will have an impact on their psychology. When your child feels stressed or anxious, the nervous system becomes active and it is difficult to relax. The anxiety and commotion in his mind will disturb the child to focus and enter the deep sleep phase.
In fact, to get quality sleep, your little one must be able to sleep in sufficient time. Good quality sleep plays an important role in maintaining cognitive performance, increasing body immunity, and developing the brain. Therefore, children must be in a relaxed condition and in a calm atmosphere before going to bed.
Another bad effect of scolding children before bed is that it can cause sleep disturbances. Events or bad incidents experienced by children before bed will be recorded in their minds. Anxiety, stress, fear, and trauma will trigger sleep disturbances.
Sleeping with a lack of mind and heart can make children experience problems such as sleepwalking, night terror, worry, nightmare, and others. Sleep disorders can cause children to wake up at night, feel tired or tired when waking up, and other negative conditions.
Scolding children before bed can also bring bad things to the child's brain. While sleeping, your little one's brain will work extra to collect events throughout the day and their emotional conditions. Sleep is also an important activity in learning and memory consolidation.
If at night or at bedtime the little one has an unpleasant experience, then it will affect the process of the brain during sleep. Rough treatment or scathing words will be recorded in the child's memory indirectly. This condition is of course a negative memory stored in the child's brain.
Such is the review of the bad effects of scolding children before bed. The condition or atmosphere before falling asleep greatly affects the quality of the little one's sleep. Parents must be able to create a calm and comfortable atmosphere for children who are going to sleep. Also read tips giving praise to children.
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