JAKARTA - Experiencing a change in life is not easy, because the unexpected is often stressful. On the other hand, if life feels constant and just like that, boredom may arise. So how do you stay fun and be happy in all the changes?

Seeking and rediscovering what is being aimed at and how to achieve it can be done by all ages. Making yourself feel new or doing self-transformation in psychology is called reinventing yourself.

Ravenna Helson, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley suggests that self-transformation is done to get positive things. Here are tips from experts, especially those who study psychology.

Have a long term plan

It's not too late for someone 50 years old to learn the saxophone. However, according to Art Markman, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, says that a person cannot complete a large task in one week.

This means that it requires a long-term plan of what will be done and what the stages are in living it. Without a long-term plan, transforming yourself will be a waste of time.

As serious as completing a project

Building happiness is like completing a project. If the project is not completed, you may be sad and lose money. In rebuilding or transforming yourself anew, you need to look at the aspects that failed you and identify the fun things ahead.

Before taking on a mission, get to know yourself

Robert Steven Kaplan, an author of the book What You're Really Meant to Do, said that it is important to know each other's strengths, weaknesses, passions, and past. After that he will know what is in the world and provide suitable opportunities to pursue.

Discuss with the closest person

The person who best understands what you like, how your nature and understands how capable you are, need to be discussed. Why is it important? Because in realizing dreams or big plans in the future, someone needs support.

Not only material support, mental support is more meaningful and unbuyable.

Have great motivation

No matter how difficult the problems in the future, if someone has great motivation to live the whole process of life, it can be lived easily.

The last tip from Daniel Gilbert, written in his book Stumbling on Happiness, anticipates all the bad possibilities that will happen in the future after deciding that self-transformation is very unlikely. In fact, if it is too anticipatory, steps will be restrained.

Most precisely, understand that both bad and good risks are bound to occur. But being open to all the consequences and getting up quickly to new happiness will further ease the way forward.

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