JAKARTA - Hunger is influenced by the hormone ghrelin. From these scientific facts, various studies recommend consuming high protein foods for a longer feeling of fullness. This is also useful for those of you who are on a diet.

Launching Healtline, Thursday, February 25, a study shows that protein is the most filling content. The study journal, released in the National Instritutes of Health, provides more information about high-protein foods.

Protein reduces the level of the hormone ghrelin. Foods that are high in protein also increase levels of YY peptide, a hormone that makes you feel full. When increasing protein intake by 15 percent to 30 percent will reduce calorie consumption by 441 calories.

In fact, you can lose weight without limiting foods as long as the majority contain protein. If you need to lose weight and reduce the pile of fat in the stomach, then consider the 15 list of foods high in protein below to reduce the portion of potatoes or white rice.


These green vegetables contain 3 grams of protein in every 96 grams of broccoli. These vegetables are also healthy because they contain fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.


Egg protein content is higher than broccoli, which is 6 grams. Followed by a calorie content of 78 calories in each item. The good benefits are not only maintaining fullness longer, but also nourishing the brain properly.

makanan yang bikin kenyang lebih lama
Egg illustration (Unsplash / Ismael Trevino)
Chicken breast

If making grill chicken, try to avoid adding white rice. This is because the protein content in a piece of chicken breast reaches 53 grams and 284 calories. Try to eat it without skin.

Lean beef

Three ounces of lean beef contains 25 grams of protein. Sirloin meat only contains 185 calories. Which means it can make you fuller and reduce carbohydrate consumption.

Tuna fish

In terms of fiber, tuna is softer than tuna. The protein content in 150 grams of tuna is 27 grams. You can also process it in various ways, for example, grilling it or mixing it in a bowl of vegetable salad.


Only 7 grams different from tuna. Shrimp has a protein content of 20 grams in every 3 ounces.


The price is not cheap equivalent to the benefits for your health. The high protein content plus meeting the body's need for omega-3 can be absorbed from one slice of salmon.


Launching Shape-Able, a 10-day study involved 15 male participants and 17 female participants. The two of them were divided into 2 groups, one group ate breakfast with mushrooms and the other group ate breakfast with meat.

From this research, mushrooms can be an alternative breakfast menu and are more filling than meat. This research proves the protein in mushrooms is very beneficial. And again the calories in it help to feel full


Often hungry in the middle of the night? Fill your refrigerator with high-protein foods to avoid picking up a packet of Chitato or Prinkles. To maintain a feeling of fullness, simply boil 50 grams of edamame which contains 6 grams of protein and 4 grams of carbohydrates.


Both almonds and peanuts, research shows that nuts can help you lose weight. Avoid choosing peanut butter even though it is very simple to prepare. Because jam often has added sugar and this is of course dangerous for your diet.

makanan yang bikin kenyang lebih lama
Illustration of a bean jar (Unsplash / Ella Olsson)

Quinoa is commonly used in cereals and is considered a superfood. The protein content in 185 grams of quinoa is approximately 8 grams.

Pumpkin seeds

Whole grains are as beneficial as nuts. Each ounce of pumpkin seeds contains 8 grams of protein. But unfortunately the calories are also high, which is 200 calories. However, it's okay if you can reduce portions of other high-calorie foods.

Soy milk

Satiety longer makes your stomach less restless. Packed with antioxidants and good cholesterol, soy milk is a recommended drink.


Both made from soy, tofu and soy milk contain high protein. In a 3-ounce serving of tofu, there are 9 grams of protein and 90 calories. Inside tofu also contains fiber, iron, and calcium.


One medium avocado contains 4 grams of protein. For those of you who have high blood sugar levels, avocados can be very useful because they contain good cholesterol. This means reducing the risk of experiencing complications.

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