YOGYAKARTA What is cardiomiopathy? Cardiomopati is a condition where the heart muscle weakens so that the heart is difficult to pump blood throughout the body.
Common symptoms of cardiomyopathy vary widely, ranging from dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue easily, and pain in the chest area.
The following article will discuss what cardiomyopathy is in more detail, including types, symptoms, causes, risk factors and how to prevent it.
Adapting AI-Care, cardiomiopathy is a disorder in the heart muscle (miocardium) which causes the heart to find it difficult to pump blood throughout the body.
In cardiomyopathy, muscles on the walls of the heart stretch, thicken, and stiffness so that it affects the performance of the heart when pumping blood throughout the body. As the disease progresses, the heart can weaken and cardiomyopathy can cause heart failure.
Still from AI-Care, there are several types of cardiomyopathy that are common, including:
At an early stage, people with cardiomati may not feel any signs or symptoms. However, over time, some symptoms will appear, such as:
The cause of cardiomyopathy is still not known for sure. However, there are several conditions that can cause a person to suffer from cardiomyopathy, namely:
Several factors that can increase the risk of cardiomyopathy, namely:
Cardiomyopathy disease can arise due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, what can be done to avoid this disease is to carry out a healthy lifestyle, such as:
That's information about what cardiomiopathy is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.
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