Psychotic Disorders: Psychiatric Problems Caused By Alcohol Addiction
Illustration of Alcoholics (Maria Orlova / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Nowadays, more and more people are involving themselves with the consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially the younger generation. This could be due to acculturation of western culture and the impact of development progress. The reasons for consuming alcohol can vary, from stress relievers to having fun.

Alcohol dependence and abuse can lead to deviant behavior. Like what just happened at a cafe in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta.

A police officer with the initials Bripka CS opened a brutal shot while drunk and killed 4 people. The case began with the suspect who did not accept the amount of bills for liquor ordered at the cafe.

Not only does it lead to criminal behavior, frequent consumption of alcohol can also cause psychotic disorders. Launching the Mental Health Journal, Thursday, February 25, psychotic disorders can make it difficult for sufferers to think clearly, make good judgments, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately. Psychotic disorders due to alcohol abuse are disorders characterized by hallucinations due to the effects of alcohol.

Symptoms of hallucinations occur due to a decrease in the central nervous system, causing demotion of the motor and cognitive systems as a result of consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. These psychotic symptoms usually occur during or within 1 month after alcohol intoxication.

The most common hallucinations are auditory which are usually voices but often unstructured. Psychotic sufferers usually hear hallucinations in the form of sounds containing slander, insults, or threats. Seeing or feeling something that is not there is also a feature of hallucinations.

Providing medication, conducting CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) therapy, providing support and encouragement from family, and gathering with the disease community are ways of healing that psychotic sufferers can take.

Don't forget to consult a psychiatric specialist regularly if you feel psychotic symptoms have arisen. That way, the process of handling psychotic disorders can be overcome in accordance with applicable medical regulations.

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