YOGYAKARTA Currently, many people are starting to look to become freelancers or freelancers. This profession is considered to be more promising in wages according to work. For those of you who are interested, know the first step to become a freelancer in Indonesia and how to get clients from abroad and within the country.

Although quite promising, being a freelancer is not as easy as imagined. Sometimes beginners confuse how to start a career as a freelancer in Indonesia.

Being a freelancer can actually start at any time, no matter how old or gender. The most important thing is that freelancers have expertise. Here are the first steps to become freelancers.

The earliest step to start being a freelancer is to know the potential of your own skills. This process is important because it relates to what services you want to offer to clients. This potential is related to the fields to be carried out, whether to become an IT worker, designer, or another field.

There are currently many fields needed such as web designers, photographers, videographers, video editors, data analysts, copywriters, and much more.

After knowing the potential for expertise, start exploring the fields to be selected. For example, you are a person who likes to write. It is recommended to pursue fields related to the world of writing such as copywriters, content writers, ghostwriters, and many more.

It is also recommended to know the terms used in this field. Controlling terms will help freelancers and clients easier to communicate.

If self-confidence begins to grow but has not dared to accept jobs from clients, it is advisable to create an independent project first. This project is needed for a means of practicing as well as a place to prove yourself. Independent projects can also be included in the portfolio.

Currently, there are many intership programs from various companies from small to large, including in SOEs. This program really helps freelancers to find out how it feels to go directly into the industries they occupy.

After feeling that they have experience in handling projects and have experience in entering the industry through internship programs, it's time to arrange a CV and portfolio. CV is needed to explain who you are, what your educational background is, and so on. While the portfolio emphasizes your experience and skills.

The rates between one freelancer and another are very likely to be different. The rates set by freelancers themselves are based on their own experiences and abilities. At this stage freelancers must be able to measure themselves.

Also determine whether the tariff will be applied per hour, per day, or per-project. In addition, the price can also be adjusted to the client's target, whether to target industry, MSMEs, or students.

A freelancer can get projects from various ways, both online and offline. Here's how you can do it.

Currently, there are many communities that oversee freelancers such as the Indonesian Blogger Community, or Indonesian authors' associations, and many more. This method is effective enough to attract clients as well as add networks between freelancers.

This method is also mostly done by freelancers. There are many websites that provide lists of special freelancers such as Glints, Fastwork, Indeed, Linkedin, and many more. Try to observe how freelancers compile profiles and look for clients.

You are advised to search for foreign and domestic freelance sites so that they can capture more projects.

That's information regarding the first step to become freelancer. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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