What Is Hipotalamus? Know Understanding, Functions And Types Of Hormones Produced
Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/geralt)

YOGYAKARTA What is hypotalamus? Hypotalamus is one part of the brain that is very small in the size of almonds.

Despite being small in size, hypotalamus is the central point for body function controllers. Hipotalamus ensures and maintains that all body functions continue to run stably.

For those of you who are curious about what hypotalamus is, let's see the full information below.

Quoted from the Cleavland Clinic, Hipotalamus is part of the brain that connects the endocrine system and the nervous system. Hipotalamus performs homeostatic functions, which is to keep the body's balance stable.

In addition, hypotalamus also controls the hormone system. He releases hormones to other parts of the brain called the pituitary gland. This gland then sends the hormone to various other organs of the body.

Various hormones produced by hypotalamus have an important role in many body functions. If the hypotalamus function experiences disorders, this will affect the overall hormonal balance in the body.

The main function of hypotalamus is to react to chemical messages in the brain and edge nerve systems to keep the body in a stable state or an internal balance. That is, hypotalamus is a coordination center that helps manage many things, such as:

Hipotalamus does a lot of work to keep his body function stable, either by directly affecting the autonomous nervous system or regulating hormones.

The autonomous nervous system is a component of the edge nervous system that regulates an unconscious physiological process such as heart rate and breathing.

While hormones are chemical carriers who flow in the blood to other parts of the body. Hormones communicate with other endocrine glands or with certain organs.

Some of the hormones produced by hypotalamus, namely:

That is information about what hypotalamus is and the functions and hormones it produces. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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