YOGYAKARTA It is very important to keep the platelets stable. The reason is, platelets that drop or can be called thrombocytopenia can have an impact on body health. There are many causes of decreased platelets that need to be watched out for.
Quoted from AI Care, platelets also known as bloodbags have an important role in the process of blood clotting and helping the body detect disease. The platelets themselves are produced in the spinal cord.
Normally, the platelets in the body are around 150,000 '450,000 platelets per blood microliter. The size of the platelets is low if the number is less than 150,000 per blood microliter. This condition is triggered by many things. Here are some of the reasons the platelets have dropped.
The decrease in platelets in the body can be caused by viral infections such as DB, mononucleiosis, HIV, AIDS,campus, hepatitis A, Hepatitis C, and many more.
Quoted from AI Care, certain treatments can trigger a decrease in platelets such aslevantity, inhibition-H2, quinicine, sulfa-class antibiotics, and several diuretic drugs.
Cancer that spreads in the spinal cord can have an impact on the production of platelets. The cancer that triggers platelets the most decreases is blood cancer such as lymphoma and flaring.
This type of anemia is able to reduce the number of all types of blood cells including platelets.
Not only viruses, but systemic or septic parietry infections are also able to trigger decreased levels of platelets in the body.
Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, Crohn disease are also able to reduce platelets because the body attacks the tissue itself.
Chemotherapy not only kills cancer cells but can also trigger a decrease in platelet production.
This condition is in the form of the appearance of severe scar tissue in the liver so that the liver or liver cannot function normally. This condition can also trigger levels of platelets in the body to decrease.
The chronic bleeding triggered by a stomach hatchling or other bleeding in growth also triggers a decrease in platelet levels in the tube.
One of the genetic disorders that triggers a downward body platelet is Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome, also known as Bernard-Soulier syndrome.
Pregnant women also have the potential to experience a decrease in platelets. Therefore it is important to periodically check pregnancy.
Sometimes someone who experiences thrombocytopenia does not realize his body condition. Even though there are several signs of a downward platelet that can be seen or felt as follows.
Increase platelets naturally can be done as long as the conditions are still in the mild category. Here's how to increase platelets naturally that can be done.
The best way to prevent and increase platelets is to exercise regularly so that the body's immune system can be stronger. Sports can also help the platelet production process run more smoothly.
Try to eat foods that contain iron, such as chicken, beef, or spinach. This food is also highly recommended for people with iron deficiency anemia. Meanwhile, foods with Vitamin K are able to optimize the blood clotting process with platelets. Foods that contain vitamin K, such as green vegetables or soybeans. In addition, it is recommended to eat foods that contain vitamin B12, vitamin C, and vitamin D.
Folic acid is a form of complex vitamin B that helps maximize the process of blood cell formation. There are many benefits of folic acid, one of which is helping to increase platelet levels in the body. Consumption of foods that contain folic acid such as green vegetables, nuts, beef liver, or avocado.
Those are some of the causes of the drop in platelets. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.
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