The Right Meal Time Rules For A More Effective Diet
Ilustrasi (Cats Coming/Pexels)

JAKARTA - When undergoing a diet, you do not only control your intake of food portions and the types of food that enter the body but also pay attention to the timing of eating. The timing of meals also has an equally important role as the type of food and the portion of food eaten during the diet. Cited from the docprime page, Thursday, February 25, this is in line with the statement of a Nutrition Consultant based in South Mumbai, Niti Desai.

"Time to eat is as important as what you eat and how much food you eat", explains Desai.

Desai also said that to get your ideal body weight in a short time, try to get in the habit of eating at the same time every day.

"People tend to pay less attention to this factor, but inconsistent mealtimes every day can undermine weight loss programs", she concluded.

So, in order not to take the wrong steps to determine an eating schedule for your strict diet, the VOI team has summarized the right mealtimes for optimal dieting, as reported by the Times of India.

Time to eat breakfast

Even though you are on a diet program, do not ever skip breakfast. The breakfast menu for a diet should contain high protein. The schedule for eating a diet at breakfast starts around 6 a.m. to before 10 a.m. Breakfast at these times can help reduce the risk of fat accumulation in the body and maintain a feeling of fullness longer.

Snack time before lunch

If hunger strikes before lunchtime arrive, you can eat a lunch snack first. The recommended diet snack time is 2 to 4 hours after breakfast. So, if your strict breakfast diet schedule is at 9 o'clock, you can snack between 11 and 1 in the afternoon. You can snack on fruits like avocado on a diet.

Lunch time

Lunchtime for a good diet is before 3 p.m. A study of 300 dieters published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who eat lunch before the afternoon lost more weight than those who ate lunch in the evening.

Afternoon snack time

Doing a diet program does not mean you are asked to reduce eating time. In fact, frequent meals can prevent you from consuming large portions of food. The time for eating an afternoon snack is the same as when eating a morning snack, which is 2 to 4 hours after lunchtime for a diet. Expand the diet menu of foods such as nuts, fruit, and smoothies. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables to speed up the weight loss process.

Dinner time

You can arrange a dinner schedule for your diet before 7 p.m. A study proving that people who eat before 7 o'clock consume 244 calories less so that the weight loss process runs optimally.

In addition, consume the dinner menu for a diet such as vegetable salad, grilled meat, chicken soup, salmon, tofu, and tempeh, and vegetables such as cap cay.

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