JAKARTA - The trend of glowing faces currently seems to be on the rise among women. To get it, they must be willing to put aside money to buy a number of facial care or skincare products.

However, some people, especially beginners, are often confused with the exact sequence of using morning and evening skincare. In fact, the appropriate order of use greatly affects the effectiveness of skincare work to overcome facial skin problems.

So, so that the skincare you use can work effectively and give maximum results, let's pay attention to the order of using the right morning and evening skincare, VOI summary results from various sources.

Morning Cleanser Skincare Order

You can start the morning skincare sequence by cleaning your face using a cleanser product. Its function is to remove any skincare products left over at night. Don't forget, use a face wash that suits your skin type.


The order for facial skincare in the next morning is to use a toner. When you wash your face with soap, you may lose your skin's pH without realizing it. Hence, the skin becomes a little drier after washing. To restore moisture, you need toner. In addition, toner also serves to prepare the skin for the next use of glowing facial skincare.


Essence is a water-based facial care product that contains a high concentration of active ingredients. The essence's function is to moisturize the skin and help the absorption of skincare products that will be used next. Essence can also soothe and nourish the skin and prevent aging.


The order of facial skincare after essence is serum. Launching Beautynesia, Wednesday, February 24, serum is used to treat facial problems effectively and make the face look more glowing.


The skincare sequence for the next morning is moisturizer. Not only dry faces, owners of oily faces also need moisturizers to keep the skin well hydrated. It's just that, the moisturizing texture that is distinguished. For dry skin, you can use a creamy moisturizer. Meanwhile, owners of oily skin can use a moisturizer with a liquid or gel texture.


The last morning's skincare sequence was closed with the use of sunscreen. Sunscreen is needed to protect the skin from the cruel UV rays. For those of you who often have outdoor activities, it is advisable to use a sunscreen with SPF 50. For indoor activities, you can choose SPF 30.

Makeup Remover Night Skincare Order

If you come home with a face full of makeup, then wash it off before lying in bed. Makeup remover is a glowing face skincare product as well as an opening for the night skincare sequence. You can choose a water or oil based makeup remover.

Facial cleansing soap

To be sure, you can clean your face again using facial cleansing soap. Quoting Fimela, facial soap can remove oil, makeup, and dirt. Don't forget, also adjust it to your skin type.

Exfoliating Products

Exfoliate into a night face skincare sequence after washing your face with soap. This glowing facial skincare product aims to remove dead skin cells on the face. However, its use is limited, only 2 times a week.


Toner, so the holy grail of women in the order of skincare morning and night. Toner will help rebalance the pH of facial skin. Choose a toner that contains moisturizing ingredients such as lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin.

Essence and Serum

Just like morning skincare, essence and serum are used after toner. Both essence and serum both have functions to moisturize and smooth facial skin.

Night cream

Your morning skincare sequence uses a moisturizer, while night skincare requires night cream. Night cream is believed to be a glowing face skincare because it can improve the skin while you sleep.

Eye Cream

The order of the last night facial skincare is the use of an eye cream. Eye cream can help reduce panda eyes, eye bags, and wrinkles around the eyes. Choose a high concentration of eye cream such as antioxidants and peptides.

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