JAKARTA - The delicious curry and catch chicken are typical of Aceh, apparently not separated from the secret seasoning by mixing temurui leaves. Temurui leaves are known as curry leaves. In a temurui branch, there is more than one leaf.

This plant has the scientific name Murraya koenigii syn. Keonigi chalcas. In shape, temurui leaves are similar to bay leaves so it is often known as koja salam. Included as a spice leaf, because it has a pungent aroma and makes dishes taste delicious.

Based on chemical content, temurui leaves contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and minerals. In mineral content, mainly high in calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Now, in the process of cooking curry, the ginger leaves are mixed before being removed from the pan. Meanwhile, when making catched chicken, ginger leaves are fried with lime leaves and bay leaves. As a result, the aroma of cooking will smell more delicious and the taste is unique.

A collaborative study in 2006 published in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India found that temurui leaf extract was more effective at lowering glycemia than Glibenclamide, an antidiabetic drug.

The ethanol in the extracted leaves of M. korenigii was taken orally in the amount of 200 mg / kg for 30 days. The result can significantly reduce blood glucose levels, glycosylated hemoglobin, urea, uric acid, and creatinine.

Other studies have also proven the efficacy of temurui leaves. Published in the Makara Journal of Health Research in 2017, the research investigated the antihyperglycemic effects of koja bay leaves.

The study found that blood glucose levels could decrease without significant weight loss. Based on these findings, temurui leaf extract can minimize oxidative damage due to diabetes.

gambar daun temurui
Illustration of temurui leaf (Unsplash / Tetiana Bykovets)

Unfortunately, this research is only limited to laboratory research and uses laboratory animal experiments. But what is most delightful is that in delicious food there are ingredients that are healthy for the body.

Well, temurui leaves are not only useful for reducing glycemic levels in the blood. These leaves are also effective for eliminating dandruff on the scalp, overcoming digestive problems, reducing anxiety, maintaining eye and heart health.

Regarding Acehnese specialties, what dishes have you tasted and used temurui leaves as their secret spice? If on the list, starting from curry, curry, catch chicken, fried rice, red cooked chicken, and keumamah.

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