4 Artist Names Suspected Of Irritating Boy William For Stopping Filming Nebeng Boy
Boy William (IG @boywilliam17)

JAKARTA - Uploads by Boy William who admitted to being annoyed while filming his YouTube content, Nebeng Boy, generated a polemic. Without mentioning the artist's name, netizens are wondering who upset Boy.

Monday, February 23 through his Instagram Stories, Boy said that he felt awkward because this was the first time a guest star asked to stop filming.

"Akward. The first time I got a guest star at NebengBoy, but he was so sensitive that he asked to stop shooting," wrote Boy William.

Furthermore, Boy also wrote an expression of his frustration that this incident was a waste of time. "Whatever. What a waste of time. It's ok. It's life," said Boy William.

Not a few asked who the person Boy was referring to. There are also netizens who are confused about why this can happen, because Boy is known to be a friendly presenter and can make the atmosphere more exciting. Many also gave guesses about the name of the artist who was the guest star of Nebeng Boy.

"So who is sensible, please clue hehehe," wrote one account.

"Aldi Taher, Nissa Sabyan, Karput, Amanda Manopo ?," said another account.

"Who is this. Even though he has a cool personality," wrote another account.

Knowing that her name was mentioned and associated with Boy William, Kartika Putri provided clarification through Insya Story. He answered fan questions addressed to him through 'Ask me question'.

"Sis, isn't it that those invited to BW keep asking to stop shooting?" ask an account.

"Unfortunately it's not me, sorry, netizens who have been prejudiced against me, hehehe have a good day. Do not use any means to bring people down, let alone prejudice and slander," Kartika Putri wrote on Thursday, February 24.

Not only did someone associate Boy William's upload with Kartika Putri. It seems that many netizens have the same question with Kartika Putri. Kartika Putri uploaded 12 netizen questions addressed to her.

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