VIDEO: The Importance Of Paying Attention To Mental Health Before Marriage
VIDEO: The Importance Of Paying Attention To Mental Health Before Marriage. (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - In this increasingly modern era, more and more young people are starting to have families and pay attention to the importance of mental health.

According to data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2022, 33.76 percent of people get married at the age of 19-21 years, followed by the age of 22-24 years as much as 27.07 percent.

The National Population and Family Planning Agency advises the ideal age to marry a man at least 25 years old and for a woman at least 21 years old.

This is determined by observing several factors such as: an unstable psychological age will affect children's parenting, and maturity of age and mentality that can have an impact on child's nutrition and health.

Psychologist Rosdiana Setyaningrung said the importance of mental health before marriage. Watch the video below.

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