YOGYAKARTA After getting the flu, the body needs time to recover. Although the best recovery cannot be instantaneous and is only done by getting enough rest and staying hydrated, there are several additional tips that help the body recover to health.

Flu is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection. This is due to the influenza virus which usually lasts about a week. But the most severe symptoms, lasts only two or three days. When experiencing the most severe phase of symptoms, the body will feel tired, weak, and cough and runny nose for a week after recovering. To recover health after flu, here are the tips you need to do.

The body takes time and energy to fight the flu virus. That means, daily routines need to be reduced. You may be tempted to do activities outside the home. But it's good, stay at home to help quickly recover. In addition to preventing the spread of the flu to others around you.

Sleep is the best medicine for the body when fighting the flu. You can lie down while watching television. But avoid staying up late earlier than usual and getting a good sleep. Rest also reduces the risk of serious flu complications, such as pneumonia.

It is difficult to sleep because the nose is clogged and coughing, it can be relieved with several tips. To breathe more relievedly, sleep with additional pillows that support the head. Plus, sleeping with air moisturizing equipment or taking a warm shower with warm water before bed.

Fresh fruits and vegetables provide important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system while you are fighting the virus. You may not have a appetite, but you still have to eat regularly to maintain body strength.

Honey is a natural medicine commonly used to relieve sore throats or coughs. You can mix honey with tea. It can also be added in a warm drink according to your taste. The benefits of honey, research has shown, that honey is effective in controlling night coughs compared to cough quenching drugs in children aged 2-118 years who suffer from upper respiratory tract infections.

Antiviral drugs are only available with a doctor's prescription. So you need to go to the doctor first to get the drug. These drugs are usually intended for people who are at high risk of getting flu complications. These drugs prevent the virus from growing and replicating. This drug works best if you drink it within 48 hours after symptoms appear.

People often forget that emotions and attitudes affect feelings physically. Launching Healthline, Tuesday, January 23, although nasal congestion, fever, and body feel uncomfortable, keep a positive mind. It will also help restore overall health.

Those are the seven tips for restoring health after flu. In addition to limiting activities outside the home and living a healthy lifestyle, make sure the mind is calm because it can help the body focus on recovery.

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