What Should Someone Do When They Make A Mistake?
Illustration (Alleksana / Pexels)

JAKARTA - In this world, no human being is free from mistakes. When someone makes a mistake, whether on purpose or not, of course, it will have an impact on their relationships with other people. Even this can have an impact on self-decline.

Being in a confusing situation often causes a person's abilities to be impaired making it difficult for them to continue activities. Cited from zenhabits, Monday, February 22, here are things you can do if you've made a mistake.

Understand the events that triggered the problem

Rather than drifting into disappointment after making a mistake, you should try to understand what really happened. Think back to what happened before the mistake and remember what you did during that time. Review each step or incident you took, then find the point where the error started.

If you already know where the error lies, it will be easy for you to find the root of the problem and realize that it could be due to technical reasons or something trivialized.

Looking for a Solution

After knowing the root of the problem that occurred, now is the time for you to find the best solution to improve the situation. Never run away from responsibility and act as if you didn't do anything wrong.

In addition, try to tell the mistakes that you made to the people closest to you. By sharing stories, you can ease the burden on yourself and maybe that person can provide the best solution to correct your mistakes.


The ego often makes a person reluctant to say sorry. In fact, apologies are mandatory when you do something wrong. According to religious views, there are four practices that must be done before going to sleep and one of them is apologizing.

Dare to admit and accept the consequences of mistakes you made requires a lot of sincerity. By admitting mistakes, you can empathize with the person being disappointed and show how you understand the feelings of others.

Apologizing in person, sincerely, and tell them the right explanation can help you rise from disappointment.

Correct yourself not to repeat mistakes

After knowing the causes and finding solutions to mistakes, and apologizing for the mistakes that you made, you must make changes in yourself so that you don't make the same mistakes in the future. It would be nice for this to be coupled with a strong commitment so that you do not easily break the agreement with yourself. Change for the better because of your own will and not because of pressure from those around you.

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