YOGYAKARTA One of the signs that a person has symptoms of a stroke is tingling. However, it should be noted that not all susceptibility is a symptom of a stroke. Squeeziness can be a sign of other health problems. Then what are the differences in ordinary tingling and stroke symptoms?

Quoted from Detik, neurologist specialist Dr Sigit Dewanto H, SpN, FINS, FINA confirmed that one of the signs that a person experiencing stroke symptoms is susceptibility. However, there is a difference between the regular tingling and the symptoms of a stroke.

"Weakness or tingling in the face, feet, hands. Usually one side of the right or left body," said Dr Sigit, quoted Tuesday, January 9, 2024.

Someone who experiences tingling, for example, in the hands alone is most likely not a symptom of a stroke.

"But if it's only one left or right, it's most likely a stroke," explained Dr Sigit again.

In addition, there are other symptoms that stroke sufferers may experience, such as confusion or confusion, difficulty speaking, or difficulty seeing.

In different media sources, the surgeon at the Brawijaya Saharjo Hospital, dr. M Arief Rachman, Sp.S., also explained that the regular tingling and tingling of stroke symptoms are very different. The difference is a more specific location. The tingling of stroke patients occurs on one side of the body.

"So the faces, neck, arms, leg are all tingling," explained dr. Arief.

If saturation occurs only in one particular body part, this condition could indicate a neurological disorder but not a stroke symptom.

"If the tingling is only on the wrist or only the leg to the leg, there may be a disturbed nerve. But if the tingling in the stroke patient is specific, the body must be sessioned," he explained.

In addition to tingling, there are several other signs that can be interpreted as that the patient suffers from stroke symptoms. Quoted from the p2ptm.kemkes.go.id site, here are signs of a stroke other than tingling.

Some of the signs that the patient may experience are symmetrical silence, weakness in the movement of hands and feet, can be pelo/hard to talk/talk and not connect/ don't even understand words.

In addition, there are other symptoms, namely numbness in the body's session, visual disturbances or confusion, staggered/vertigo/twisted tissue/hard to coordinate movement, swallowing disturbances, interrupted memory.

Symptoms that occurred in this stroke were a decrease in consciousness, severe pain in the head, seizures accompanied by sudden vomiting. When this symptom occurs, the patient must be immediately taken to the hospital because if it is late, the symptoms will get worse.

Strokes do not only occur in adults, they can also occur at a young age. The causes of stroke at a young age vary, such as hypertension, head injury, sickle cell anemia, or due to high cholesterol.

That's information related to differences in common fitness and stroke symptoms. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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