JAKARTA - Today, February 21, the keyboardist for the Sabyan Gambus group, Ayus Sabyan, made a video stating that he admitted that he had made a mistake in the affair he had committed. Through a 30-second video, Ayus apologizes to his wife and family.

The issue of this affair started with the TikTok video circulating on the internet. The video was uploaded by a cousin of Ririe Fairus herself.

This statement was conveyed by Ayus's younger brother, Fadhilla Nova to Feni Rose during the Rumpi program on Trans TV. Iyus's younger brother did not deny that his biological brother was having an affair with Nissa when he was still the husband of Ririe.

After this news broke, Ririe sued her husband for divorce and was already undergoing a divorce trial. Fadhilla also said that this forbidden relationship had been going on for two years before it was revealed to the public.

"I, with full awareness and sincerity, would like to apologize to Sabyan's wife, family and friends and all those who feel uncomfortable with my mistake," said Ayus in the video, quoted by VOI, Sunday, February 21.

Ayus's statement that said he made a mistake was a topic of conversation among netizens. They were astonished by the use of the word error for the affair that Ayus and Nissa had committed.

One of the celebrities who also commented, Uus also commented on what Ayus was doing. Through his Twitter account @uusbiasaaja, Uus flicked Ayus's mistake.

"It's also cool that my brother can miss Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, new year, Nyepi, Vesak, Christmas, 17 August, a friend's birthday, Sodara's birthday, wife's birthday, child's birthday, in a wrong state," wrote Uus. .

Many feel that they do not accept the word wrong to replace the cheating committed by the two members of the Sabyan Gambus group. Now the word Khilaf has become a trending social media topic because netizens are writing their comments about Ayus Sabyan's clarification.

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