YOGYAKARTA One of the characteristics of a man who has the potential to commit domestic violence, both dating and after marriage is character. Violence can be done against his own wife and children.

The presence of a man who commits violence can be known from the time he approaches or is dating. Unfortunately, this is not a fixed benchmark for whether a man has the potential to commit domestic violence (KDRT).

The actions of domestic violence carried out by a husband to his own family members were triggered by many things ranging from traits and character, habits, and even mental health disorders.

It is important to know all women to avoid couples who have the potential to commit domestic violence. To avoid violence, there are several characteristics that can be known long ago, namely as follows.

Love bombing is an act in the form of giving excessive attention or other forms of affection. This behavior is indeed quite effective in conquering women's hearts but risks bringing about unhealthy relationships.

While still approaching or dating, couples who manage too much also indicate the potential to commit domestic violence. For example, men ask their partners not to hang out with other people besides themselves, or regulate other simple things such as daily activities.

The characteristic of a man who has the potential to be a perpetrator of domestic violence that is easiest to know is controlling anger. When a man finds it difficult to control his anger emotions, usually they will commit violence to express their feelings. Of course this condition is both very detrimental and dangerous for both his wife and children.

Rough words are a form of outburst of anger. This treatment is certainly included in verbal violence that must be avoided. In addition to saying rudely, men who like to play hands in the context of violence can also be detected when dating. This habit cannot be changed even after marriage.

Women should avoid intimidating men, namely actions that make others frightened by threats. This behavior can lead to verbal and physical violence so that it is highly recommended to be avoided.

Someone who does not respect other people's opinions in discussing tends to be authoritarian. This behavior has the potential to involve physical or verbal violence. Men who cannot accept other people's opinions tend to be defensive and will make any efforts to open this opinion.

In relationships, being possessive with sufficient portions can strengthen the relationship. However, if possessive is done excessively, it is feared that it will lead to violence. Men will do anything to lock their partners up.

Prosperous men are not advised to be used as partners. The reason is, excessive jealousy will have an impact on the cessation of a partner. This attitude is very dangerous for safety.

In simple terms, manipulative men will make various efforts to achieve sympathy for their partners. Owners of this character also tend to look for weaknesses for their partners to obey their wishes.

Disgraceful behavior of partners also has the potential to lead to violence. This behavior can be in the form of verbal or physical. For example, cursing your partner in front of many people.

While still approaching or dating, women must investigate how the environment of the prospective man is chosen. The reason is that there is still an environment that teaches violence as a way to educate others. An environment that tends to be harsh can be a characteristic of a man with the potential for domestic violence.

That's information related to the characteristics of a man with the potential to commit domestic violence. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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