Can Babies Be Born Without Pregnancy? Here Are The Scientific Facts About Cryptic Pregnancy
Illustration of photographing babies (Pexels / Rodnae Production)

JAKARTA - Cryptic pregnancy or in Indonesian means cryptic pregnancy is a condition in which a woman is not aware of her pregnancy. There are several reasons behind the cryptic pregnancy event.

Several studies have also found the causes of women not being aware of their pregnancy, including the following:

Have no pregnancy symptoms

Symptoms of pregnancy, in general, women feel nauseous, do not menstruate, experience hormonal changes, an enlarged stomach, and are detected positively through checking a test pack or ultrasound.

However, women who experience cryptic pregnancy do not always experience the symptoms mentioned above. For example, a test pack cannot be detected positively because the hCG hormone fluid is still too little, so the test tool cannot detect it.

Cryptic pregnancy symptoms were not detected

Launching Healthline, Wednesday, February 17, obstetricians may find it difficult to diagnose cryptic pregnancy. Because the symptoms are not visible or the woman may never consult a doctor during pregnancy.

In some cases, women may be consulted but not receive the correct diagnosis. Based on research conducted in 2011, 1 in 475 women rejected a pregnancy that had lasted 20 weeks or more.

Can you get pregnant and give birth without ovulation and penetration?

Recent viral news reported that a woman in Cianjur gave birth to a baby without the process of pregnancy and penetration. Last year, there was also a cryptic pregnancy in Tasikmalaya. Could this be scientifically possible?

Although the odds are very slim, pregnancy can occur without penetration. But it must be during ovulation because without an egg there will be no fetal growth in the ovary.

Any activity that can enter sperm cells in the vaginal area by allowing pregnancy without intercourse. However, this will happen with the help of a lot of cervical fluids when a woman is in her fertile period.

The process of pregnancy only requires one of the strongest sperm cells to fertilize an egg. In contrast, a study titled Like A Virgin (Mother): Analysis of Data From A Longitudinal, US Population Representative Sample Survey published in December 2013 found about the phenomenon of virgin pregnancy.

A survey of 7,870 pregnant women found that 0.8 percent (or as many as 45 women) reported becoming pregnant without having vaginal sex. The study of this phenomenon is very limited because it deals with an understanding of sex and a lack of sexual education.

From this phenomenon, the expert explains that sex for conception and producing pregnancy does not always involve penetration of the penis in the vagina.

Interestingly, there is artificial reproductive technology (Artificial Reproductive Technology) with strict procedures, such as insemination and in vitro fertilization (In Vitro Fertilization). Without strict calculations and the involvement of experts, this fertilization process will be difficult to succeed.

kehamilan kriptik adalah
Pregnant woman illustration (Pexels / Free stocks)

Babies born with cryptic pregnancies weigh below normal

Because the lack of prenatal care can affect the condition of the fetus. Babies born with cryptic pregnancy tend to be underweight.

Other symptoms that parallel the cases of occult pregnancy are psychotic and non-psychotic disorders. According to a 2011 study, women's rejection of their pregnancy can be due to mental problems such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder that cause delusions.

For non-psychotic cases, experts categorize that cryptic pregnancy can be caused by rejection, denial, and unpreparedness for the pregnancy emotionally, physically, childbirth, and care.

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