JAKARTA - Sad news has returned to the world of entertainment in the country. Kiki Fatmala, the actress who played the Sweet Bridge Ancol, died at the age of 56 due to cancer complications.

This Sundanese-Pakistan actress was born on August 14, 1967. Before entering the entertainment world, Kiki had dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. He once said that he never aspired to become an actress. Because according to him, someone who works in the entertainment world must be beautiful and have an ideal body. Even though he has starred in many films and soap operas, the actor who plays the Sweet Bridge Ancol has never felt uncomfortable with himself.

Kiki started her career in acting since she was 17 years old, with her first film, the game behind the Curtains in 1988. In fact, she still remembers the first honorarium she received from playing roles. He admitted that his first payment at that time was only hundreds of thousands of rupiah.

Kiki Fatmala's name grew higher when she played Mariam in the soap opera Mariam Si Manis Ancol 2 Bridge which aired in 1994-1999. However, Kiki admitted that she prefers to be called a guest star for aerobic gymnastics rather than being a guest star for actress. It is proven by him establishing an aerobic studio under the name Kifa and becoming one of the gymnastics teachers in it. Watch the video below.

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