7 Tips For Educating Children To Grow Mentally Strong
Illustration (Michael Morse/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Humans will definitely face various challenges in every phase of their life. Every challenge that is successfully passed will add to a person's wealth of experience and knowledge. Therefore, a strong mentality is needed in order to be able to move forward to face the challenges in front of him.

Of course, children can't be separated from various challenges, in independence, friendship, academic life, and others. Therefore, children also need to have a strong mentality from an early age.

There are many parenting strategies, disciplinary techniques, and teaching tools that can help children build mental strength. Adjust your approach to meeting children's specific needs, reported by Very Well Family, Friday, November 24.

Show Children How To Be Tough

Amy Morin, LCSW., psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Strong Kids Do says one of the best ways to teach children mental strength is to reflect these qualities in your own life. Children learn how to respond in different situations by paying attention to their parents. So, try to realize your own mental toughness and improve things that really need to be improved again.

Become a Role Model

Showing children how to be mentally strong is the best way to encourage them to develop mental strength. Talk about the difficult experiences you've experienced and show your child that you're taking steps to grow stronger. Make self-development and mental strength a priority in your life and avoid things that parents don't do. strong mentality.

Show Children How To Face Fear

If children avoid something scary, they will never get the confidence they need to overcome feelings of discomfort. Whether the child is afraid of the dark or afraid to meet new people, help the child face his fear one step after another. Support, praise the business, and reward for their courage and they will learn that they are capable and capable children out of their comfort zone.

Teach Mental Resilience

Find opportunities to empower children to be mentally strong. Through cooperation with children in different situations, you can give them the mental toughness they need to face emotions that are uncomfortable and face challenging situations.

Teach Special Skills

Giving children discipline should teach them to do better at other times, not make them depressed because of their mistakes. Use the consequences that teach special skills, such as problem solving skills, impulse control, and self-discipline. These skills will help children learn to behave productively, even when they are faced with temptation, difficult circumstances, and difficult setbacks.

Teach Emotion Settings Skills

Don't calm your child down when you're angry or entertaining him every time you're sad. Instead, teach them how to deal with their own uncomfortable emotions, so they don't depend more on you to organize their mood. Children who understand their feelings and know how to deal with them are better prepared to face challenges.

Let The Child Feel Uncomfortable

Even if you may be tempted to help your child at any time they experience difficulties. But saving them from discomfort will strengthen their trust if they are helpless. Let the child accept defeat, let them feel bored, and emphasize that they are responsible for those feelings even if they don't want it. With support and guidance, you can help your child build a strong mentality.

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