JAKARTA - The closeness of Raffi Ahmad and Gading Marten has been going on for decades. No wonder Raffi really cares about Gading's loneliness. Although Gading claims to be close to Karen Nijsen, Raffi still wants to match him up with Kirana Larasati.

Kirana was paired with Gading when she was a guest star at Okay Bos some time ago. At that time, Raffi, Gading, and Sahila Hisyam led the event together. Raffi spontaneously expressed his desire to match Kirana with Gading.

"Yesterday a woman came to my house, I asked 'Who is this Nagita?'

Kirana herself is currently a widow. Kirana married Tama Gandjar in 2015. Their household only lasted two years after the South Jakarta Religious Court granted Kirana Larasati's divorce suit in 2017.

After the divorce, Kirana focused more on work. Until now there has been no name of a boy who is reportedly close to him.

Raffi continues to leverage the proximity of Gading and Kirana Larasati. It turned out that they were close because they became a couple in the film Rumput Tetanga. "Kirana was Gading's match when he was in the film Rumbut Tetangga, Kirana fell in love with Gading. Do you like Gading?" asked Raffi.

"In that role, Raffi, in that role," replied Kirana.

Half disappointed, Gading hopes that his love is not only in movies but in the real world. "Really try it," said Gading Marten. The matchmaking immediately attracted netizens' interest, the name Kirana Larasati became trending.

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