JAKARTA - Riefian Fajarsyah or known as Ifan Seventeen recalls the bitter events he experienced during the Banten tsunami on December 22, 2018. At that time, Ifan even lost his beloved wife, Dylan Sahara.

Ifan told this in an activity entitled 'Music Concern Concert' which was held by the 48 Cycling Community. Shortly before the gig and brought a song called 'Yesterday'.

This concert was held to raise donations that will be handed over to victims of natural disasters that occurred in early 2021.

"It doesn't mean to repeat the story. I was once a victim of a natural disaster," Ifan explained at the concert venue, East Jakarta, Thursday, February 11.

Ifan had walked for 3 days after being hit by the tsunami at that time. "At that time I got sandals from volunteer donations, I got drinking water on the road, given to people, bread, rice packs I was given by volunteers," said Ifan softly.

With this bitter incident, Ifan really understands how meaningful a helping hand is for disaster victims. He invited all parties to share goodness in this charity concert.

"I really know that the victims of natural disasters really need help. I know exactly. I can survive in 3 days and look for the bodies of my brothers because of donations,"

"There are not many friends on the link on YouTube, the smallest donation is only Rp.10 thousand. But I know Rp.10 thousand will definitely be very useful for my brothers there. Ask to please soften their hearts, donate friends' sustenance. God willing, even though it's a little but it will be. blessings. Once again, thank you very much, "explained Ifan.

Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono and Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi also attended this concert.

This concert was initiated by dozens of art workers and musicians, as well as Member of the Indonesian Parliament Abdul Kadir Karding who was fully supported by voi.id and era.id. This collaboration is carried out to raise donations that will be handed over to victims of natural disasters that occurred in early 2021.

For people who want to participate in this activity, the method is quite easy:

1. Open the website s.id/bersama48 or scan the QR code provided

2. Fill in the donation amount and select the payment method

3. Complete the required data, then continue the payment

4. Complete the donation and confirm the donation that has been paid

After the donations are collected, 48 Cycling will make repairs to houses of worship and educational facilities as a priority. In order to ensure transparency, later reports on donations that have been collected and submitted will be further reported.

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