JAKARTA - Fear of one thing is natural. For example, if you are afraid of spiders may respond with a scream, and when the animal leaves it will return to normal. In contrast to someone who has a phobia of spiders or is called arachnophobia.

According to R. Reid Wilson, Ph.D., a spokesman for the American Psychological Association, phobias are the most common mental disorders. Phobia involves a constant, exaggerated, and unreasonable fear.

So, what is the difference between being afraid of something and a phobia? Below is the list.

Phobias interfere with the psychological aspect

As in the opening paragraph, fear can go away when the dreaded thing goes away. Fear can also be cured over time. In contrast to phobias that can interfere with psychological aspects.

If a person has a phobia of spiders, the figure of a spider will haunt him. In fact, he chose not to leave the room for a long time because he imagined that there were spiders everywhere.

Phobias are triggered by a natural component, citing WebMD, Kathy Hoganbruen of the National Mental Health Association as saying that we don't know exactly where the phobia comes from. Factors that play a role in triggering include genetic, environmental, and negative or traumatic experiences.

The duration of experiencing fear and phobias

Fear generally occurs in children, for example, fear of clowns. Fear is also temporary because it can be cured with understanding, direction, and support from those around you.

In contrast to phobias, mental illness is more difficult to cure. Generally requires Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or cognitive behavioral therapy.

Every phobia experiences fear

Every phobia experiences fear, but the opposite is not the case. Not every fear is a phobia based on the size of the effect. Fear of pointing at an object and experienced when meeting that object.

The fear of phobias is often irrational. The object of fear fills the head and evasion is overwhelming.

Impact on mental health

Fear can be experienced by anyone, including someone with a healthy mind. This is the fourth list that distinguishes fear and phobia. Phobias have a big impact on mental health because they can interfere with all aspects of life.

Fear is experienced by anyone

Indiscriminately, fear can be experienced by anyone regardless of age. Meanwhile, phobias, if experienced since childhood and will continue into adulthood if not immediately consulted with experts and undergo therapy.

After knowing the difference, of course, you will care more about mental health. If you experience fear, try to direct the understanding so that it can be resolved.

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