YOGYAKARTA Some people may not know the dose of odol when brushing their teeth. Usually people will apply odol aka toothpaste along brush hair, as is often seen in toothpaste advertisements. In fact, the use of odol does not need to be as much as imagined.

Excessive use of odol can cause teeth to fluorize, namely the abnormalities in the teeth characterized by the presence of a thin white line on the enamel layer of teeth.

Fluorosis can be caused by excessive fluoride intake. Fluoride itself is one of the important components that must be present in toothpaste products.

However, fluorosis occurs only in children under three years old. For adults, this actually doesn't really matter, because in this condition adult teeth do not experience growth due to excess fluoride.

Another reason, adults can garage well so that the risk of swallowing toothpaste is lower. The next loss that you can experience is waste.

So, what is the ideal dose of odol to brush your teeth? Check out the full information below.

Adapting the American Dental Association, the ideal dose of odol for adults is the size of a peanut or the size of a corn seed.

Some people may feel that this amount is not enough kaarena to make the mouth less fresh. In fact, this amount is very effective for cleaning teeth.

There are two things that are more important than increasing the number of toothpaste to clean teeth, namely how to brush teeth and tools.

Applying the right way to brush your teeth can make your teeth completely clean. On the other hand, using large amounts of toothpaste does not allow you to clean the hard-to-reach parts of your teeth.

The second thing is the distinguishing apparatus, such as dental threads and interdental brushes. These two tools can help clean the sidelines of the teeth that are difficult to reach by brush hair.

If the dose of odol for adults is only the size of a peanut, how much is the ideal toothpaste dose for children?

In this regard, there are two ideal doses of odol for children. First, for children who do not have teeth or their teeth have not grown, they do not need toothpaste at all. To clean the mouth enough to use a wet cloth.

Second, children who already have teeth up to 3 years old, ideal toothpaste dose is only as big as rice grains. This is because children under 3 years old generally cannot gargling well and are still at risk of swallowing toothpaste or water when gargling.

The dose of toothpaste for children will change with age. When the child is 3 years old, the dose of odol has been adjusted to adults.

This is information about the dose of odol when brushing teeth. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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