YOGYAKARTA Acne or vulgar acne is a chronic disease in the skin that is often experienced by many people, especially teenagers. The appearance of acne on the face can damage self-confidence. On the other hand, the acne recovery process tends to be long. Therefore, many people end up squeezing acne in the hope of getting it out of the face.

However, squeezing acne too often can cause new problems on the skin. Here's the effect of often squeezing acne that you need to know.

Summarized from various sources, some skin problems that may arise after you press acne on your face, including:

There are four things that are the main causes of the appearance of acne on the face, including:

Acne that appears in light intensity can recover by itself in 1-2 weeks.

To prevent acne from appearing on the face, here are some things you can do:

Acne that appears on the face can be overcome by applying topical drugs (topical drugs) with the following content of active substances:

That's information about the effects of often squeezing acne. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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