JAKARTA - Two films starring Acha Septriasa aired on the Netflix over the top (OTT) platform. The film June and Kopi will air at the end of January 2021. Meanwhile, the film Layla Majnun will air from 11 February.
In fact, the two films were prepared to be shown in theaters, their shooting was over when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. Because people's movements are restricted, the film is shown on OTT services.
Acha who lives in Australia with his family feels lucky because OTT allows him to watch what he stars in. "Filming on OTT is a process that must be passed, although the distribution to the cinema is slightly reduced but it can be watched worldwide through Netflix. Hopefully it reaches viewers around the world, not limited to viewers in Indonesia," Acha said during an exclusive conversation with VOI via video call, Friday, 29 January.
Slowly but surely the pandemic is changing the habit of watching from the cinema to OTT. According to Acha, certainly in the process of all change activities is a necessity. "Advances in technology make everything change. Everything is completely digital. From the process of film making it has changed from rolling film. Film production is expensive because you have to use a large camera, the storage has to be in a cold place. Hundreds of millions of rent now exist. compact digital camera. Likewise, I made OTT my support for not going to the movies during this pandemic, "he explained.
As an artist, Acha must adapt, because in this world everything changes. "From the way we used to market ourselves, we have to meet the media, now as long as we have a team, using social media we can manage tomorrow what news we want to hear, we read about ourselves. So now it's like the world is in your hands because of digital media," he said.
OTT also allows all stock holders to check public responses to a film work. "We can check everything, not just the producers. My data on followers for example can be years old. We can know whether the audience likes it or not," explained Acha.

Unlike films that air in theaters to capture audience interest, OTT has a real time database that can be a reference for producers in making a film or series. "Netflix uses a data-based system for the 4.0 generation. Many things are created based on statistics," said Acha.
For example, Acha explained how BTS and Blackpink were able to dominate the world music charts in just two years. They were formed by a producer who created a concept based on data on the needs of young people.
"They are formed based on data. They don't sing what they want to sing. The producers research what the listeners want to hear. In the end, the data really talk. For me, Netflix is dangerous because they talk using data, they always make something that is something that they want to hear. it still sells because it gives the audience what it wants, "he explained.
If the cinema has a box office size, with the number of viewers as a measure of success, OTT will no longer use the same size. "Their target is not blockbuster films anymore, but films that have not been shown and heard by many people and then distributed throughout the world," he said.
Why is Netflix able to dominate? Because they have started from other platforms. "Now, between platforms creates a formula based on data. So now the producer is making films that the public likes. In the past 10 years, I was given the same script as the theme. Yes, that's because of the data, from the business side it continues because people don't want to lose. "What they make is according to what the community wants, it could even be what they don't want to make. They end up making it because there are many people who approve it," he explained.
Wherever the platform is, Acha is sure that he can move forward. "Because the world is shifting again," he said.

Although he cannot avoid the shift in viewing patterns from cinemas to OTT, Acha admits that he cannot escape from cinemas. Watching at the cinema is still the main choice for Acha after things return to normal.
"The experience of watching a biooscope is always special. In the past, people watched soap opera in big theaters and then changed to the cinema. Indeed, over time the process of getting our entertainment is getting closer to ourselves. In the past we had to park first, buy tickets, now it's at hand. The convenience is really felt, "he said.
Even though he is getting closer, emotionally Acha feels that a different experience cannot be replaced by the greatness of any TV, no matter how sophisticated a sound system can replace the cinema. "The desire to watch cinema is irreplaceable. Like all moviegovers are in one room. Movie lovers can meet each other and feel second by second with people who want to watch the same movie. Cinema experience is still what I want to feel, the way I enjoy films is still a cinema. "he said.
OTT is a savior in times of pandemic. "Because of the pandemic and having to watch movies at home, the exclusivity is reduced. Because watching can be left first, pause, the missed can be repeated, if you don't like it you can skip. So spoiled because there are many films that are selected. Experience to watch calmly, just watch. , it is no longer in OTT, "he said.
Acha actually had guessed that this would happen, but did not expect the pandemic to make his guess happen faster. "I have guessed the direction to come here, on demand. Everything is on our fingers, what the audience wants to talk to using data. I already know and I am ready. Before the pandemic, I wanted to walk side by side. Now it's valid to go to OTT," he said.
OTT provides space for producers to have more flexibility to work to make films and distribute films worldwide. "It's ok for OTT, in fact it feels like a lot of profit. But I question the quality, because there is no chance to become a box office. Films are sold based on the initial selling price. So the producer who is important to continue production, how about the quality? Will it be the same as the film. the one at the cinema? " said Acha.
Acha hopes that the quality of films will be maintained, because the audiences that will watch Indonesian films have no national borders. "Can you watch it all over the world, do you want to make a bad one? Must be better, with greater promotion. More profit for players and producers, freer to choose any theme. The market is not only Indonesia," suggested Acha Septriasa.

Back to the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic. Acha admitted that he really missed filming again. Because filming for the film June and Kopi as well as Layla Majnun was finished before the pandemic.
"The pandemic starts in March 2020, my film that is currently broadcasting is shooting in 2019. That means my film savings have already aired in 2021. 2020 I only shot a film in London once, my first international film. Even then, I am grateful to still be safe filming on a plane during the pandemic," he explained.
"I really miss filming. I used to film a lot of silence, because it saved my energy and didn't want to disturb my character with unclear thoughts. If you want to recharge your energy, concentrate, if you don't play, be quiet. Now I miss my friends, miss being directed to me. director. The experience that didn't feel normal in the past is now really hard to repeat, "he explained.
The films June and Kopi, for example, provide new experiences for Acha. "Before filming, I wasn't really close to any animals, any animals. When I was in elementary school, I lived in my grandmother's house. In one of the alleyways that led to my grandmother's house there was a german shepherd. If I passed there, I would have caught my emotions. read the dog. First grade elementary school I came home alone, at that time I was so afraid of being chased by that dog, I tore my skirt, I climbed onto the electric pole, like a cartoon like that. I was really scared, so I kept thinking dogs are that creepy , "recalled Acha.
After playing the films June and Kopi, Acha felt that it all depended on human thoughts. It depends on your thoughts and how to control your emotions. If the intention is to love any animal, everything will be fine too.
"There is no such thing as fear and wild animals. If a wild animal cannot be given a heart, no one becomes a handler in a zoo. We can be kind to them, and they can feel our emotions. My view after playing this film is different. really, even closer to my neighbor's animal here in Australia, "he explained.
Indeed, in the film June and Kopi, Acha must actively interact with dogs. Because the main player in this film is a dog. For quite a long time, Indonesian films have not raised the drama film genre that uses animals as the main players.
"Actually, in Indonesia in 1974 there was a film starring Astri Ivo which invited dogs as the main player but the distance is very far. The production of films that use animals as the main player is very rare in Indonesia. Even in Southeast Asia, there are very few dog-themed films," he said. .
Adjusting the dog's acting skills, the film script is made simple. Acha expands the space for his character interpretation so that he has ample space to show specific characters. "Simple in the meaning of the word play as simple as possible and give the dog the opportunity to play more prominently than us as supporting players," he said.
Even though he had doubts when he was offered to play this film, Acha was grateful that this film became his son's favorite film. "After I watched yesterday, this film has a purpose that makes me feel grateful I played in this film. The public's response to this film was unexpected, they gave lots of good opinions, they gave support, and thank you for being part of the film. which has not been made for a long time. My son Brigia has recognized this film as his favorite film. As a mother, I am very happy to finally be able to watch a film that I think suits his age. Yes, I am very grateful, "he said.
For viewers who haven't watched yet, Acha has a special message so that you don't have to have any expectations when watching. "This film is as simple as love. How is the process of finding friends other than humans, in animals. How can you coexist with nature. You can reflect on yourself as a human being in this world, how you treat other creatures in this world," he said.

Apart from the June and Kopi films, the Layla Majnun film is also ready to air on Netflix. Acha is partnered again with Reza Rahadian in a film that was shot in Azerbaijan. Films whose stories are about love stories, will be filled with poetry that inspires hearts.
"How do two people Layla and Majnun who like poetry, who like literature and they fall in love with each other with different backgrounds. One is from remote parts of Jogja. One is from Azerbaijan. The Muslim country in Russia is very beautiful," said Acha.
This film was developed from the poetry work of Nizami Ganjavi. This Layla Majnun was created longer than Romeo da Juliet. "When I was offered this film, I really have never read Layla Majnun. I know but haven't read it. With Alim Sudio the story is packaged by uniting Indonesia and Azerbaijan. No matter how simple Alim's script is sure to touch the heart, I'm sure of that," he explained.
Interestingly, because it was appointed from an Azerbaijani writer and the filming was also done there, so many people from there commented on Youtube for the trailer for this film. "Because they are proud that finally there is a Layla Majnun film in the modern era. It is really nice to wait for this film. Moreover, there are many famous users, I think there will be a lot of people watching," he said.
Acha said that the Layla Majnun film should be watched because this is a different love story from the metropolitan world which is now being presented in Indonesian film stories. "Her background is a girl from a small village in Jogja, met her prince in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan. Many events turn funny, become entertaining, romantic, unique and interesting because of the combination of the two cultures," he said.
"This is a story full of beautiful words. Watching it makes us appreciate literature more. To appreciate written works more. So it makes us who watch want to fight for our true love, which in my opinion if Monti Tiwa can't possibly hit our hearts. a great film for me because the story is big, full of conflicts, very happy, very sad, I have to prepare for fear of being baper, "Acha ordered.
Acha became even more proud and enthusiastic when he found out that his film would air on Netflix. "Because the one who took the Netflix World Wide, so the film can be watched in all countries. This gives an opportunity to be watched by Azerbaijanis, Middle Easterners, Muslims all over the world. Because there are already subtitles, it gives this film the opportunity to resonate throughout the world. I was worried that I couldn't participate in the premiere in Indonesia because this is one of the big films in my opinion. So when I entered Netflix I was very grateful, "said Acha.

What makes it special is that Acha Sertriasa is back with Reza Rahadian after the You're My Baby Test Pack. "Reza is always special because how long we haven't played in films. But before Layla Majnun we had time to play Heaven under the Sky. When we meet again like seeing him again, he's him again," said Acha with a laugh.
According to Acha, Reza is an actor who is always thirsty for learning, always remembers friends, always describes his best. "I am not a player who is fixated on having to always practice scene by scene. Prepare ourselves and research, we just play. He always gives a sense of comfort. He also always explores his character," he continued.
Reza changes his hairstyle in this film to reflect the appearance of Middle Eastern boys. "He has Iranian blood too. He really likes Reza's hairstyle for this film," he said.
Acha and Reza become a barometer for Indonesian film standards. They show consistency in acting that never breaks. "Anyway, I feel he is still my playmate who always makes me literate again to continue learning. Can position the opponent to support him at any time," explained Acha.
Reza, according to Acha, always spreads positive things to other games. always exploits his character so that he never missed the nominations for the film festival every year. "It's difficult if it's not done by people who are talented, consistent, and struggling. He's one of those people whose name can't be lost to Indonesian film lovers," he explained.
Acha Septriasa shared her fond memories of shooting the film Layla Majnun in Azerbaijan together with Reza Rahadian. "When we are waiting in the same frame. We pray that we will still be given one more frame. If we shoot again in old age, I hope we remember shooting in Azerbaijan in the middle of snow. Minus how many degrees and have fun, this will be a very special film, "he said.
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