JAKARTA- The story of Si Juki has evolved again. From comics to movies, this hilarious story can now be enjoyed in the form of Si Juki Anak Kosan Series. The story of Si Juki as an absurd boarding house resident is a new story on the screen. All problems are presented with a typical story of Si Juki which is absurd and invites laughter.

The story presented in Si Juki Anak Kosan is different from the story of Si Juki the Movie. The story of Si Juki Anak Kosan, focuses on telling the life of Si Juki in college, complete with joys and sorrows. Together with friends from a boarding house and one campus, the story of Si Juki begins.

In this series, Si Juki is told as a student who is actively studying and organizing. Juki always claims to be an anti-mainstream student who wants to excel, but also doesn't want to miss exciting things.

Because of that, his days often became so absurd. Moreover, supported by the ridiculous behavior of his comrades in arms, Joko, Tomi Tompel, and Soni.

In this series, Juki will be faced with a number of problems that often hit students and boarding school children. The various events presented are very relevant to student life in big cities and are sure to invite laughter from the audience.

The series Si Juki Anak Kosan, comes in 13 episodes, which presents different stories in each episode. Each episode of Si Juki Anak Kosan has no connection, so fans can watch it randomly.

In the first episode, for example, it will focus on the problems faced by Juki at his campus. Meanwhile, in the second episode, Juki and friends trigger chaos around their boarding house after discovering a special feature on a cellphone.

Faza Meonk, as the director and creator of Si Juki Anak Kosan, ensures that the story of this comedy genre series will be different from the comic or film. Only a few stories from the comics were adapted into the serial version. The Juki Anak Kosan Series became the first Indonesian animated series to air on Disney + Hotstar.

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