JAKARTA - Betrand Peto has a strong fan base, unfortunately Betrand fans sometimes go too far. Several times Betrand had to face problems caused by his fanatical fans. This time, Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's adopted sons have to face accusations from fans who say they have received different treatment from their parents.
This case also led Betrand Peto to unfollow Sarwendah and Ruben Onsu on Instagram. He said it was his decision with Ruben Onsu and also his management.
"So when he knew that there were words to use, father (Ruben Onsu) finally invited us (Sarwendah and Betrand Peto) to talk to the management as well. Finally we took the stance of leaving Onyo" alone "on his Instagram," explained Sarwendah in a clarifying video uploaded to MOP Channel quoted Tuesday, February 1.
Sarwendah also said that he and Ruben Onsu never used Betrand Peto at all. "There is nothing at all to take advantage of. In terms of material or whatever we try to be as fair as possible," said Sarwendah.
Ruben Onsu also made a clarification on the same YouTube channel. He admitted that he was very disappointed with the attitude of Onyo fans. Moreover, he fought all out to realize Betrand's ideals.
Apparently, the clarification was made to make sure Onyo didn't get hurt any further. Because in fact, this problem has a huge impact on Onyo. Even Onyo asked Sarwendah to call a psychologist because he wanted to tell a story and let out his uncomfortable feelings.
"This is Betrand Peto himself who asked to speak with Melisa Grace, our family psychologist," said Sarwendah in a video uploaded on Tuesday, February 2.
Betrand Peto's clarification
Initially, Betrand Peto did not appear in the clarifying video. Sarwendah asks Melisa to explain Onyo's condition, which is angry and disappointed. Then, Onyo himself appeared and wanted to explain.
"Onyo can't say much, he is still in the process of recovering. And Onyo is also disappointed, not only Onyo is disappointed. The one who is disappointed is Father, Mother, and all the family," he said sadly.
"So for all of you, if you love Onyo, that means you also have to love Father, Mother, Thalia, and Tania. Onyo here is very pampered, very loved, so for all of you what are you talking about Onyo being used. Just for this, that's just for that, there's no such thing as being used. Don't talk carelessly, "continued in a clear angry tone.
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Onyo's Message for Fans

Onyo hopes his fans can give positive energy, not make him angry. He emphasized that he did not accept that his family was being harassed.
"Sorry if Onyo talks like this. But for Onyo you can't talk carelessly like that. Onyo is very loved by the Onsu family. Nothing is differentiated," he explained.
Sarwendah also explained the purpose of the series of clarifications made in the MOP Channel video. "It's not that we want to tell, because we are public figures, we have to tell. If the mother who talks can't tell you. That's why ask a psychologist to explain. Why does Onyo have to talk by herself, because she also makes her own insta story. So we talk because she wants to explain. , "he said.
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Psychologist's explanation
Apparently, Onyo is currently still angry when he thinks of his family being harassed. "In my opinion, Onyo still has this emotion because it is situational. If there are things that touch his family, it becomes very sensitive, sensitive.
That anger and resentment is not directed at all. Onyo also knows that many people love Onyo. It is better for Onyo to rest first, this is Onyo situational, it does not mean that every day is like this, "said Melisa.
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