YOGYAKARTA - The intake of baby nutrition needs to be considered by every parent in order to support its growth and development. One of the needs that need to be met is high fiber food to maintain the health of the digestive system and strengthen the baby's immunity. So what are the daily fibers that are good for toddlers?

Lack of fiber intake in babies can cause your child to experience digestive problems, such as constipation or difficulty defecating (BAB). Therefore, parents are required to include high-fiber food in toddler MPASI. Fiber-rich foods that can be consumed by babies have a choice of religion, ranging from fruit to vegetables.

Although there are many types of high-fiber food that can be given to toddlers, parents need to pay attention to the dose. Because the amount of fiber needed by the baby is not as much for adults.

As a reference for parents, here is a list of good dailyhars to give to toddlers:

With a sweet taste and soft texture, bananas are a choice of breast milk complement (MPASI) food that is perfect for babies. This yellow fruit has a high fiber content. As many as 100 grams of bananas contain about 2.6 grams of fiber. In addition, this fruit is also rich in other nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium.

In addition to introducing fruits, mothers can also provide various types of vegetables to babies to ensure adequate fiber intake. One of them is high-fiber vegetables that can be selected is broccoli. In one serving of broccoli about one glass (91 grams) contains about 2.4 grams of fiber. Not only that, broccoli also contains vitamins C, vitamin K, and antioxidants that can help maintain the small immune system.

Pirings are included in the type of food that is rich in fiber and suitable for baby consumption. In addition to containing about 5 grams of fiber in medium-sized priors (about 178 grams), this fruit also stores vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Not only beneficial for digestion, this high fiber food also has a good effect on blood circulation in the baby's body.

Corn is one of the choices of high-fiber foods suitable for babies. One corn stem contains about 2 grams of fiber that is beneficial for babies. Mother can process corn into MPASI corn porridge, sweet porridge, or add it to other dishes.

Avocado is also a good fruit for the digestion of babies aged 6-12 months because of its high fiber content. One medium-sized avocado is estimated to contain about 10 grams of fiber. The avocado is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids that play a good role in the health of the baby's heart and help fulfill its nutrients during its growth period.

Pepaya is known as a fruit that contains high fiber. This fruit is also often used by mothers to overcome constipation problems and maintain the health of the digestive system in babies. In medium size papaya fruit (about 275 grams), the fiber content even reaches 4.7 grams.

Pepaya also contains a number of vitamins that include vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, as well as minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. In addition, folic acid and fiber are also contained in papaya. If we look at it

Those are the daily fiber recommendations that are good for toddlers. When you want to provide fiber intake to your baby, it is necessary to pay attention to the portion so that according to the needs of each child. In addition to tiu, this food should be served with a soft texture (pure) so that your little one can consume it easily.

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