YOGYAKARTA - Wearing a face mask is one way to treat the skin in the face area. Many women do beauty treatment by wearing face masks regularly. So when is the right time to wear a face mask so that they can get optimal results?

Face masks are beauty products that function to maintain skin health and improve facial appearance. There are various kinds or types of face masks that can be selected, ranging from clay masks, sheet masks, mud masks, to home made natural masks. Each product offers its own advantages in improving the quality of facial skin.

When doing activities every day, facial skin experiences various exposures from outside either because of sunlight, air pollution, and others. So that facial skin is not damaged and can be maintained, the use of masks can be the solution. However, you need to know when it is the right time to wear a face mask.

The choice of time for everyone to wear a face mask can be different. There are those who wear masks more often at night before bed. There are also those who like to wear masks in the morning before their activities.

But actually when is the best time to wear a face mask? Is there a difference in the effect of wearing a mask in the morning and at night?

Actually, there are no definite guidelines regarding the best time to wear a face mask, whether it's a sheet mask or a mask that is applied. The important thing to pay attention to is knowing the function of the mask to be used and the purpose of wearing it.

Wearing a mask at night is suitable for those of you who want to regenerate facial skin. It is better to wear a mask before bed. The skin regeneration mask product generally removes dead skin cells effectively, resulting in exfoliation and skin depletion.

This type of mask is not suitable for use during the day because it can cause redness and inflammation of the skin. The same applies to masks that have a brightening or whitening function.

Masks like this also tend to be more sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, the most appropriate time to use skincare or whitening masks is at night.

The use of masks at night is useful for repairing skin texture and revitalizing. In addition, using a mask at night also acts as a detoxification to remove dirt and dead skin cells after all day activities.

Dermatologists say that wearing a mask is the most appropriate in the morning. The use of masks in the morning has more effective benefits in overcoming various skin problems such as hydration, skin tone changes, and increased brightness.

When a face mask is applied in the morning, you can prepare your skin before your activities. Using a mask is better done before using makeup so that your skin gets hydration or moisture and prepares the skin for various exposures from outside.

The use of masks in the morning acts as a primary for more, he explained that morning masks serve as the first step to provide moisture and care for the skin.

Masks will help tighten the skin and make the pores look smaller. So wearing a face mask in the morning is highly recommended for those of you who want to brighten, hydrate, and protect the skin from exposure to free radicals.

Masks that function to moisturize, hydrate, and refresh the skin are actually suitable for use in the morning, afternoon, or at night. Masks of this type can be applied at any time. Masks that do not rely on hard stuff' in them are more flexible to use.

That's a review of when it is the right time to wear a face mask. The choice of time for wearing a mask is adjusted to the purpose of everyone taking care of it and maximizing the appearance of facial skin. In addition, the type of mask used also needs to be adjusted to the needs of the skin.

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