YOGYAKARTA - Some time ago, the virtual world was shocked by Kaesang Pangarep's tweet. Through the Twitter account @kaesangp, Kaesang admitted that he lost a suitcase. So, what must be tried when a suitcase is lost at the airport, such as the unpleasant experience of President Jokowi's son? Let's find out what to do when a suitcase is lost at the airport!

"House, take Batik Air to Surabaya but my suitcase is safe until Kualanamu airport. Thank you Batik Air," tweeted Kaesang.

In another tweet, Kaesang also said, "Tonight has a reason not to shower at my mother because my suitcase was flown by Batik Air to Kualanamu. Thank you Batik Air."

After the commotion on social media, Monday (14/11/2022), Kaesang also informed that his suitcase had been secured. "Koper survived. Thank you Batik Air," he tweeted.

If something is located in the same position as Kaesang, follow the following guidelines to get your suitcase back.

Call airline

Once you realize your suitcase that is not in the baggage claim, hurry up and come to the airline. Each airport has representatives from the airline that you can come to if there are obstacles.

Complete the missing baggage report

When telling you about the loss of a suitcase, you will be asked to fulfill the related report. So, make sure you remember your colors, models, and baggage brands. It would be better if you also have a picture of your suitcase.

After that, the airline will track down the whereabouts of the suitcase based on flight ID to confirm the position of your suitcase.

Requesting the delivery of suitcases to a house or hotel

As a passenger, you have the right to ask the airline to send a suitcase or object in your other trunk that is lost to the house or hotel where you are staying. Not only that, make sure how long the process is needed until the suitcase returns to your hands.

During the waiting process, you will also be given contact from an airline that will send you updates to your suitcase data.

Asking for compensation

Some airlines will usually provide compensation if there is delayed or lost baggage. Quoting from The Points Guy's page, damaged suitcases, stolen, or lost throughout the flight is listed in the wrong handling situation and is the responsibility of the airline.

Save all receipts

The return time of the suitcase process sometimes takes part of the day. During that waiting time, you will find a replacement fee of at least 5 days. Therefore, make sure all expenses you spend have a note or receipt.

Insurance claims

Part of the expedition insurance also received complaints about the loss of suitcases throughout the expedition. You can confirm this by re-checking the extent of your expedition insurance coverage.

Make sure to return the suitcase received

When the suitcase has returned to your hands, make sure to carry out a totality check first. If a damage or missing object is found, the airline must make a replacement.

The process of searching for lost suitcases and how you are obliged to carry out reports can be different for each airline. Reassure the policies of each airline you selected. So, you have understood what must be tried when the suitcase is lost at the airport, right?

So after finding out that the suitcase was lost at the airport, see other interesting news at VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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