JAKARTA - The serotonin hormone has a big task to convey messages to brain cells. This main function affects mood. When you feel in a bad mood, you need to balance the serotonin hormone in the body.

Reporting from Healthline, Monday, February 1, serotonin has a crucial function in the body's system. It is not only related to mood, but also controls bowel function and movement, balanced sleep, helps the body release platelets when injured, bone health, and sexual function.

To keep it functioning properly and not affecting your mood, below are ways you can do it.

Eat foods containing tryptophan

Foods that contain tryptophan include meat, eggs, milk, and nuts. Tryptophan works to increase serotonin production. That is, consume these foods while experiencing a bad mood.

You can also eat chocolate which functions to trigger serotonin production and as an antidepressant.


Sunbathing, besides being suggested to increase metabolism and body immunity, is also useful as an increase in serotonin levels. You can sunbathe regularly for 20 to 30 minutes in the morning.

A study published in the NCBI measured serotonin levels in 10,000 participants in Norway. This study found that the participants' serotonin levels decreased during winter.

In winter, warm sunlight is hard to find. And the researchers concluded that sunlight has a big role in increasing the body's serotonin levels.

Balanced hours of sleep

Sleep is a way of resting the body. When it is difficult to focus and your body feels tired, it can indicate that you are not getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep also affects bad mood. To keep the mood in a good mood, make sure you get enough sleep every day.

Exercise routine

Many studies have shown that exercise can improve mood. Don't wait for a bad mood to start exercising regularly. Because overall, exercise is good to do in order to get physical and mental health.

Doing massage therapy

Massage can treat anxiety and depression, according to research by the University of Miami Medical School of Medicine. Massage therapy can affect the body's biochemistry.

The benefits of massage were studied in 500 male and female participants as well as in children who experience depression and anxiety. The fact found that massage therapy can reduce the hormone cortisol or stress hormone by 53 percent.

Positive thinking

A study conducted by Perreau Linck and his team in 2007 found that changing positive thoughts can alter brain metabolism. In particular, positive thoughts can stimulate increased production of serotonin levels.

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