JAKARTA - Falling, bumping, or cutting a knife would hurt. Especially in these five parts of the body, the body parts that are the most sensitive and have the most nerves compared to other parts of the body. Where are the parts? Below is the list.


Reported by Mens Health, based on the Annals of Neurology study, the fingertips are the most sensitive when injured. Even though he was slightly injured by a paper cut, the stinging sensation still made him grimace. This is because the nerve endings directly send pain to the brain.

At the fingertips there are also more nerves. This means that the more nerves in the body, the more pain signals are sent to the brain.


The shin on the forefoot or called tabia has a small amount of fat and muscle that protects it from impact. Doctor William Binegar, MD. –The Medical Director of Pain Care Broise in Idaho explains that if there is even the slightest impact in that area you will feel very, very pain.

Arch of the legs

The arch or arch, when stepping on an object that is the tip of an angled finger can make you grin. Binegar explains that this section has a thinner layer of skin than the sole of the foot near the heel. This keeps the nerves underneath close to the surface of the skin.

The pattern of the mechanism for sending pain is the same as at the fingertips. Because the skin is thin, the nerves also respond quickly if they are hit, injured or stepped on something sharp.

The area around the knee

The front and back knees also have no muscle or fat to protect them. In addition, the top layer of bone in the kneecap or the so-called periosteal layer, according to Douglas J. Spiel, MD - a certified radiologist - is filled with sensory nerves.

If one is hit or injured, both of these parts will feel pain in two places at once.


When the elbow hits or feels like an electric shock when the pressure occurs the ulnar nerve will send a response to the brain. This nerve is located in the upper arm bone or humerus. Nerves like fibers, the nerves at the elbow have different fiber shapes, says Spiel.

It doesn't feel like the pain when other body parts are hit. But the pain mixed with the feeling of being electrocuted can be felt up to the fingertips.

The five parts of the body above, the majority have dense nerve fibers. Besides, there is no protective cushion in the form of fat or muscle. Well, for these two reasons the five parts of the body above are classified as the most sensitive to wounds. Apart from causing pain, blood will also come out if it is torn and injured.

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